When they get insecure

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Requested by: DiavalsMistress


He's confident in many things he does, but when he has to do simple household tasks as cook dinner, washing clothes, or cleaning a room, he will get insecure. When he puts the plate of food down, he will mumble it's probably bad and not to expect anything too good. Or when he cleans the dishes, he will frown, scrubbing it harder, not sure if it's good enough. Sometimes he will awkwardly ask you if he did good, and then smile when you say he's doing very good. When you chuckle and said he gets insecure about household tasks but is very condifent in magic, he will chuckle and say he's more trained in magic than these household things.


She tries to be confident in everything she does, but sometimes she gets insecure. She will try her best not to show it, but the way she hesitates before doing or saying something lets you know she is. When you assure her there is no need to be insecure and you believe in her, she will chuckle and thank you for saying that.


He's either very insecure or very confident. One day he will be too insecure to go on a stage and do a play, but the next day he will confidently play along with the play. When he's insecure, he will nervously chuckle, trying to find excuses to avoid doing the things he's insecure about and try to hide the fact he's insecure. When you ask him if he's insecure, he will smile for a few seconds before his smile falls and he groaned out he's so insecure and he definitelly cannot do it and he just wants to crawl back in bed and avoid it.


He gets insecure a lot. Even when you tell him you love him and he's a handsome man, he still feels insecure, mumbling there are more handsome men outside who don't look so scary and aren't so big as him and they have more money than him since he doesn't even have a penny. When you tell him you don't care about such things and you love him for him, he will blush and mumble you have weird taste.


Sometimes she gets a little insecure about her body when she sees all those skinny people or the beautiful sisters of Nadia. But she always cheers up when you cuddle her, saying you love her and her chubbiness is cute. She will give you a kiss, thanking you for saying that.


Him? Insecure? Hahaha, no. He's the count, he doesn't get insecure. He is the most fabulous man you will ever meet, and he is sure to tell that to you almost every day because this man loves bragging about himself. Or at least that is what he wants you to think. When you tell him everyone has insecurities, he will stare as if he's thinking about something upsetting, looking as if he wants to get something off his chest, but then he forces a smile, saying not him and he's perfect at everything before walking away and only returning a few hours later.


He gets insecure a lot when it comes to doing romantic things because he's not very confident when it comes to being a boyfriend. He always claims he's a bad boyfriend. When you tell him he's not a bad boyfriend, he will just give you a little smile and mumble a thank you, but still think he's a bad boyfriend.


He's the Devil, he doesn't get insecure. If someone tries to get him down and make him feel that way, he will just decorate the wall with their insides.

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