The Arcana x Reader Scenarios...

By Curseblood17

1.4M 41.3K 12.9K

This book is finished! This is book one, a second one will be made! This is all for fun so please no hate. T... More

How they like to hug you
When they see you dancing
When you fall
When you're sick
When you sit on their lap
When you brush their hair
Valerius ~Catch Up~
When you ignore them
When you have a panic attack
When you cry
Piggyback rides
When you choke
When you ask for a pet
When you two cuddle
When they're sick
When they see you naked
When you wear a piece of their clothing
When you become blind
When you get injured
When you want attention
When you take an interest in something they like
When you fall asleep against them
When you speak a language they don't understand
What they love about the relationship
When they have a nightmare
When you're drunk
When you have a nightmare
When they find out you cut
When they're drunk
When you're angry
When they're jealous
When they walk in on you making them a gift
When you say "I hate you" as a joke
They teach you to write and read
When they buy you gifts
If you're a pirate
If you pole dance
When you sing
About what you two argue
Lazy Sundays
If you play an instrument
If you have hypersomnia
If you have insomnia
If you have schizophrenia
If you have OCD
When you cook for them
When you two garden
When you get gravely injured
When you're insecure about yourself
When someone you know passes away
If you have anemia
When you kiss them out of nowhere
When you begin losing your hair
If you have ADHD
When you wake them up
When they fall
When you go on vacation together
When you give them a massage
If you own a horse
If you're a fan of something
When you two take a bath together
When you both go to the beach
When they accidentally hurt you
If you can't swim
When you get arrested
When you braid their hair
When you mock/tease them
When they cry
When you're cold
If your friend hates them
When you sleep in the same bed
The Devil ~Catch Up~
When they meet your parents
When you two are lost
Advice for Writing Scenarios
When they're mad at you
When you're jealous
When you punch someone
When you are traumatized
When you feed them
If you're an artist
When you two have a picnic
When you two go see a play
When you pay more attention to your pet than to them
When it's your birthday
When someone tries to assault you
When they brush your hair
When you walk around with a broken leg
When you catch them staring
When you rant about something you're passionate about
When your relationship hits a bumpy road
When you prank them
When you draw them
When you pat their head
When they fall asleep against you
When you do something cute
When you go missing
When you don't take proper care of yourself
When you thank them for everything they have done for you
When you get a fit of laughter
When you get scared from something small
When you hold their hand
When you become addicted to alcohol/drugs
When you curse at them
When you're falsely accused and sentenced to death
When you lie
When they're hangry
When everything becomes too much so you run away
If you're rich/royalty
If you have amnesia
When you compliment them
If you have misophonia
When you carry something heavy
If you can shapeshift
When your eyes are red and they think it's the plague
How the first kiss went
When they break something you find special
When you don't pay enough attention to them
When you say their name in your sleep
When you lose a limb
Plus {Not a Scenario, a Story of My Autism}
When they turn small
When you cast magic in your sleep
If you write poems
If you have wings
If you have a tail/ears/claws
If you are an arcana
When you turn small
If you're mute
When they get a scar
If you are a gladiator
When you are away on an adventure
When you both dance together
When they think you are cheating on them
When you get scared in the dark
When you die (1/3)
How your funeral went (2/3)
What became of them (3/3)
When you hide behind them
When they kabedon you
When you want to make jewelry out of their hair
When you kabedon them
When you tickle them
When you befriend someone who is a bad influence
When you waste a lot of money on useless stuff
When you break a bone
When you tell a terrible joke
When you whisper something sexual in their ear in public
When they say your name in their sleep
What makes them blush
When they cause you to blush
When they meet a Karen
When you switch bodies due to a spell that went wrong
When you pour a bucket of water over them
When you accidentally hurt them
When you paint on their body
When you both find a stray/injured animal
When you make them their favorite snack
When they make you your favorite snack
When they get insecure
When you call them a cute nickname
How they confessed their feelingss
When you use a spell to look into their mind
When you do stunts and make weapons appear out of thin air during a battle
When you use a powerful spell to protect them
When you ramble/rant
When you ask them to fix something around the house
When they accidentally make you cry
When you fall asleep at your desk
When you help someone, only to get slapped
When you randomly compliment them
When you shout their name from another room
When you give them flowers
When you hug them out of nowhere
When there is a fire
When you both have to quarantine/When the plague is around again
When you become evil (1/3)
When they meet you again (2/3)
How you were stopped (3/3)
When you get injured so their Arcana takes care of you
When you re-enact a play
When you half-ass something
When you cry for no reason
When you are both handcuffed together
When you catch them singing
When they find you crying and saying negative things about yourself
When you cry at your best friend's wedding
When you catch the flowers at the bouquet toss
When you play with fire
When you are both at a mock execution
When you come home drenched
When a spell goes wrong and they get animal features
When it's their birthday
When you both have to hunt an animal
They ask approval from your parents to marry you
They propose to you

When you ask them to read you to sleep/When you read them to sleep

5.3K 126 19
By Curseblood17


If he knows you like being read to sleep while you try to fall asleep, he will make sure to read out whatever he is reading. Even when it's a spell book, he will read out each line, but also making sure not to accidentally cast a spell. When you fall asleep, he will give your forehead a kiss before he silently continues reading. If you want to read him to sleep, he will chuckle but let you. He will get comfortable on the bed before closing his eyes and listening to you. When you get shy and embarrassed, he will assure you you're doing good and he's enjoying this so no need to get embarrassed or shy.


She will have to hold in a laugh, wondering if you know you're not a child anymore before she nods. While reading and you become sleepy, she will find you adorable, suddenly thinking of fun times you both had together and how this is one of those nice, relaxing moments you can both have together, before she gives your head a few soothing strokes, saying she is so happy she has you. When you gave her confused, sleepy eyes, she will shake her head to signal it's nothing important before she continues reading. When you fall asleep, she will try to be as silent as possible not to wake you as she lays the book away before lying aside you and also going to sleep. If you want to read her to sleep, she will be amused and let you. She will mostly do this because she finds this very relaxing and wishes to make as many sweet memories as you as possible before another dangerous adventure comes along and something happens to one of you that might prevent sweet moments like these.


Oh, he will bring up his acting skills while reading. It isn't just listening to him reading, it is watching a theater play. He will dramatically act out each line, changing voices for each character. When you laugh out you can't sleep because this is so exciting and amusing, he will blush but also grin, happy he can make you laugh before he awkwardly asks if he should calm down or if he should keep going. When you motion for him to keep going, he will excitedly continue his theater play. When you read him to sleep, he will watch you with a smile, too happy to go to sleep. When you ask how he isn't tired yet, he will chuckle and say he has more energy now than before he got into bed. It usually ends with him pulling you on him so he can see what the book says and also cuddle you while listening to you. 


When you asked him, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed before he hurried out the hut. You followed him outside to find him sitting between his chickens, distracting himself with them, ignoring you when you asked what's wrong. When you asked why he doesn't want to read you to sleep, he will glance over his shoulder at you, face red from embarrassment as he whispered he can't read. After a lot of convincing, you managed to convince him to learn how to read and assured him you will help him and never make fun of it or tell anyone. So sometimes will both sit on the bed, reading a book together, him trying to read a line and you correcting his mistakes and helping him out.


When she was learning to read, she would read you to sleep as practice. When she struggled with a word, she would awkwardly look at you, only to blush when you tell her what the word is. When she learned how to read without struggling, she would read to you more, very proud she is able to read. When you want to read her to sleep, she will pull Pepi on her and get comfortable before watching you with a smile, very happy to have a lover like you who is willing to read to her. When she wakes up the next day, she will be shocked she actually fell asleep to you reading to her before chuckling, saying to herself she definitely has to convince you to do that again because she hasn't had such a good sleep in a long time.


He will snicker but take your book and flip through it, only to claim this seem boring before he leaves and returns with some of his own books, saying these are way better. So he will read to you, but it's mostly just reading out loud to himself, too focused on his book to even notice when you fall asleep. When he finally does, he will chuckle, closing the book, mumbling you're like a little child before he leaves. When you want to read him to sleep, he will laugh out he's not a child and he can perfectly sleep without being read. But when you look upset, he is quick under the covers, asking why you're taking so long to read. While reading, he will mostly fall asleep due how exhausted from work he is, but also by how soothing he found your voice.


He will give you a raised eyebrow but shrug and say sure. He usually reads a book before going to sleep, so he will just read out loud. He gets bored quick of reading out loud though, so he usually gives up mid-way and goes back to silently reading, telling you to find a different way to fall asleep. If you read him to sleep, he will just watch you, sipping his wine, saying your manner of reading is also boring. When you glare and argue a glass of wine before bed is bad, he will argue back one glass before bed helps make some people sleepy. So usually it ends with you two arguing, book long forgotten, now neither sleepy and both wide awake, shouting facts and random things to try and win the argument.


When you asked him to read you to sleep, he just stared, wondering if he heard right or not before he asked why. When you shrugged and said you find his voice soothing, he will sigh but take the book, unable to say no to you when you say such things. He will read to you till you fall asleep, then he will put the book away and lay down aside you. When you want to read him to sleep, he will let out a laugh, saying you're so hilarious before he tells you to amuse him. So he will lay on his bed, watching you nervously reading, teasingly asking why you're so nervous and poking your leg, saying if you stutter he can't understand what you're saying. When you yelled you're so nervous because he's staring so intensely with that toothy grin, he just laughed while turning around, deciding he teased you enough and a nap shall do him good.

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