Her parents don't like you (requested)

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You could hear Taylor arguing with her parents in the kitchen as you sat in the dining room. You couldn't help but cry at the thought of her parents not liking you. You wanted them to like you so badly. You tried your hardest to make a great first impression, wanting everything to be perfect.

It was your first time meeting them and the whole way there Taylor tried to reassure you that they'd like you, but you had the fear that they wouldn't, and now, here you are.

You weren't quite sure what to say or do. You like Taylor but you never wanted to come between her and her family.

You could hear Taylor sticking up for you and it made you smile through your tears. You sniffled, trying to stay calm but your mind just kept racing. This was most definitely gonna be the end of yours and Taylor's relationship.

Taylor walked out of the kitchen, grabbing your hand and her things before walking out to the car. She didn't say anything till you got in the car.

You saw a tear fall from her eyes but she quickly wiped it away. You reached for her hand and started to speak, saying the words you never wanted to say.

"Tay, maybe we should just call things off."

She whipped her head towards you and looked at you with wide eyes. She shook her head and squeezed your hands, leaning down to kiss them both before she looked at you and sniffled.

"No y/n."

"Taylor, I like you a lot but I don't wanna ruin things with you and your family. You deserve better than that."

She just shook her head again.

"No. I like you way too much to let this come between us. Look I've had some pretty shitty relationships in the past but I know that this is different... that you're different. I don't care what my parents think. We're both adults and we can make our own choices. Mine is you. Mine is always gonna be you, y/n."

You smiled at her and kissed her. It was soft and slow and the best kiss you've ever had in your life.

"They'll come around eventually. Just give them time." Taylor mumbled against your lips, disconnecting them from yours and putting on her seat belt as you did the same.

She slowly pulled out of the driveway of her parents' house. She knows deep down it won't be long before they come around, it's just gonna take them some time and until then, she's happy to spend all of her time with you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now