Haters gonna hate

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You were sitting on the bedroom floor with tears streaming down your cheeks as you scrolled through your Twitter mentions, each one worse than next. You had recently deleted all social media apps but one of your friends had texted you saying things had gotten worse and you couldn't fight the need to see what people were saying.

So here you are now crying your eyes out as you continued to scroll through the negative comments about you.

You wanted to stop. You knew you should just uninstall Twitter again and turn your phone off but you just couldn't.

You didn't even notice that Taylor had arrived home and she was now standing in the doorway, the smile that was once on her face vanished and she was now at a loss for words.

You jumped when you felt her hand on your shoulder, your body tensing when you realized it was her. You didn't want her to know you were reading the hate comments, she was the one who suggested that you delete social media off of your phone in the first place.

"What's wrong y/n?"

"What? Oh nothing, Taylor. I'm fine."

You tried to lock your phone before she saw it but it was too late. She had already seen it.

"Y/N why are you going through that? Didn't you delete Twitter from your phone?"

"Yes! But my friend texted me and told me things had gotten worse and I couldn't stop it, Taylor I had to see it."

"No you didn't."

You lowered your head to look at the ground. You felt ashamed and worthless. You thought she was mad at you for looking through the hate but when you felt her hands rub up and down your arm, you felt otherwise.

"Honey, I wish that I could take all of this away from you. You don't deserve it and you haven't done anything wrong."

"Why do they hate me so much?"

Right then and there she felt like her heart broke right in her chest. He'll, she wanted to cry too. She wanted to cry with you and hold you as you cried together but she knew she had to stay strong, for you.

"I don't know, baby. Mostly because they're jealous but some people are just purely hateful and it sucks, I know. But I also know you. Y/N I know you better than anybody else and I know that you're strong, so damn strong. I know you have the biggest heart and I know that you are better than this. To hell with what they say. I love you and I think you're beautiful, my love."

You looked up at her as another tear fell, this time for a different reason.

You smiled and wrapped your arms around her, hugging her body close to yours. You felt her lips on the top of your head and it made you melt into her even more.

"I love you, Taylor. Thank you for saying that."

"I'm not just saying that y/n, I mean it. I love you more."

"Haters gonna hate."

You murmured against her soft sweater making her laugh and nod her head, kissing the side of your head softly as she continued to hold you in her arms for a while before she grabbed your phone and deleted Twitter off of your phone once again.

You didn't deserve to go through the pain that people put on you just because of being with her, she would never let it happen.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now