Someone breaks into your house

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ME! Is the cutest song ever and I haven't stopped listening to it! I'm so proud of Taylor! 🥰


It was the sound of glass shattering that caught your attention.

You just stepped out of the shower and Taylor was at the studio, but she was supposed to be home in just a couple hours.

Thinking that Taylor had just arrived home earlier you didn't think much of it, you thought maybe she was just getting a drink and broke a glass, but when you walked downstairs the sight terrified you.

There were two men inside your house digging through yours' and Taylor's things. They haven't noticed you yet so you quietly but quickly went back upstairs, locking the door and calling 911.

You heard footsteps coming upstairs before the doorknob began to jiggle, making your heart race as you stood up quickly, ready to run into the bathroom until you heard a voice on the other end of the door.

"Hello? It's the police."

You let out a relieved sigh, opening the door to find a police officer outside the door. He led you downstairs and you saw the two men handcuffed, walking out the door with dirty looks on their faces.

You sat on the couch and realized that you haven't told Taylor what had happened yet, figuring it was a good idea to do so now.

You called her and she picked up on the second ring, her cheery voice and cute pet names for you made you smile despite what had just happened.

"Hey honey. What's up?"

"Tay, s-something happened."

"What? What happened?"

"Two men broke in. I called 911 and I'm safe, they arrested them but I'm still kinda freaked out. Can you please come home?"

"Oh baby. Of course! I'm gonna leave right now, okay? I'll be home in ten minutes."

You hung up the phone, giving a nod and friendly smile towards the police officer who was still in your living room. He kindly offered to stay with you until Taylor got home, but you kindly declined and instead sat patiently on the couch, playing with the cats as you waited for Taylor to get home.

You heard the front door open and Taylor ran in, slamming the door behind her as she ran over to you.

She sat down next to you and pulled you into her arms, her fingers on your chin as her eyes scanned your face like she was looking for cuts and bruises on you.

"Tay, I'm okay." You whispered softly, her eyes meeting yours before kissing your cheek.

"Are you sure you're alright? You're not hurt or anything?"

You shook your head, snuggling into her warm embrace as she held you tightly.

"Okay. As long as you're alright, I don't care about anything else. I love you so much Y/n."

"I love you too."

She pulled the blanket that was on the back of the couch and placed it over you, her nails lightly scratching your back as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

You felt so safe in the comfort of your girl's arms and you knew she'd always be there to hold you, love you, and keep you safe.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now