She's sick

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You could hear Taylor's loud coughing as you stood over the stove making her some soup. Your lovely girlfriend had unfortunately come down with a pretty terrible cold after coming home from a vacation with her family.

You sadly couldn't go due to the fact that you had just started a new job, but you didn't expect for her to come and the following day feel so sick.

It was like all the symptoms hit her at once and she couldn't even get out of bed from how ill she was, so you called your new boss explaining that she was very sick and you wouldn't be coming in but you'd try to make up your lost hours over time.

You winced as her coughing escalated. It was such a bad sound and you could tell that every time she coughed it made her entire body hurt.

You sighed happily when the timer went off, grabbing a bowl and filling it up with soup and lots of broth which would soothe Taylor's throat.

You grabbed a few crackers and carefully carried the bowl upstairs. When you walked in you saw Taylor groaning, her whole body covered in sweat and she just looked so miserable.

"Baby, I made you some soup."

You whispered as you walked over to her, setting the bowl on the nightstand and stroking Taylor's hair.

Even though she felt so sick she still couldn't help but smile, whispering a soft 'thank you honey' as she slowly sat up.

You carefully placed the bowl on her lap as she ate the soup. She finished it a few moments later and drank the broth. It made her sigh in contentment as it hit her sore throat, making the pain lessen.

She laid back down when you grabbed the bowl from her lap and set it back on the nightstand, pulling the covers up closer to her neck and tucking her in as a cold chill took over her body once again.

You kissed her burning forehead as her eyes closed. You stood up to go back downstairs to maybe clean up a bit when Taylor's hand latched onto your wrist.

"y/n please don't go."

"You need to get some sleep, Taylor."

You crouched back down by her and stroked her hair that was coated in sweat, her skin hot and her hands were trembling slightly as if she was nervous.

"I hate being sick. It scares me and I don't wanna be alone right now. I'll sleep, I swear, but I just want to cuddle you as I do. Please hold me."

You melted at her words. You've never seen her so sick and it hurt you know that she feels so sick and so scared.

You caved instantly and walked over to your side of the bed, climbing in next to her and pulling her into your arms.

Your hands rubbed up and down her sweaty back. Her fever was climbing for sure, not dangerously, but you could tell that it was just getting worse.

"Get some rest, my love. I love you so much and I'll be here to hold you the whole time. I promise."

You leaned down to kiss her head and saw her close her eyes, her breath fanning over your skin. You didn't care if you caught it.

You knew Taylor would take care of you if you did. But even more so, you just wanted her to feel better and safe, and if her cuddling close to you and feeling so relaxed that she lets her mouth hanging open and her warm breath fan over your skin, then you couldn't care less about the possibility of catching it.

You were gonna be right there to hold her as she slept and make sure she stayed hydrated. You just wanted her to get better as soon as possible.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now