August 11th 2017 10:40 pm

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today was all bad really. i was going to post something like this earlier but i put this journal/dairy on the back burner, that's some good bread, even better with butter. no that isn't what i was going to say. what i am going to say is almost right after i posted the last update Bradly came over, Krystal's 9 year ood with ADHD or something like that. and the first thing i saw was a small grass stain on his elbow. at first i didn't think much of it, but that changed when i asked him why he was the only person who came over. he was actually thrown out of his home by his two older brothers and Chuck (i have no idea who he is) locked him out. Bradly went over to his dad's first before coming here, as you can guess, he wasn't there. so he comes in and comes to my room and says he wants to play with my toys with me. and makes a small mess. i didn't care, but if someone else came around and saw the mess, well he'd be yelled. and i'm completely fine with him making a mess in my room, at first, well at first it was a very big mess. all the while i'm talking to Jannessa. i didn't say anything about the grass stain though, Jannessa if you read this journal/dairy thing, say something, cause i'd like to know. but he had a small grass stain on his right elbow. and i asked him why he was the only person who came over. and he told me that his brothers Vincent and Nick (i think) picked him up by his arms and legs and threw him out. now the small grass stain i saw was on his elbow, but there was some stains on his white shirt. and it doesn't look like he just fell in the grass, it looks like he was thrown on top of it. so i see that as proof that he was thrown out of his trailer. all the while i'm having a bad day, but since Bradly is over know he became my first priority, same thing with every visitor we get. they become first priority​, well unless if i see that Jannessa said something, like i've said in the past, the thing i look forward to everyday is Jannessa, well when she says something anyway. but any visitor becomes my number one thing to do at that time. like the other day when i was left alone with Krystal's baby, she was number one, not the horrible fate i left in the game i was playing, but the baby was. now i was only left alone with the baby for about 20 minutes. but when Bradly came over today and told me why he came over here by himself my bad mood turned to mostly anger. and i mean bad anger. bad anger to the point where i considered going over to Bradly's home and beating the living hell out of his brothers and who ever this Chuck character is. now the other day Chuck kicked Bradly, Vincent, and Aubry (the 7 year old) out of the trailer and that was the 9th. and i mean when i would have gotten over there i would have let the binds on the darker kevin go, and let him have free range to do whatever it is he wanted to Chuck. but on Bradlys brothers, i'd take care of it, no i wouldn't kill them, Chuck, eh he would be considered magot food. but as you can see, i didn't do anything stupid, next time it happens, if it happens again, well then i'd do something really stupid. but the only good punishment i did was put Vincent's person, in Minecraft, in a jail that is pretty much impossible to get out of, why? because to get out you'll need a diamond pickaxe. and i am the only one who will have one in my world. and i've made rules in my world, no fighting each other, no harm my cows, do not break other peoples stuff (unless they deserve it), and close every door you open. the punishment to the first 3 rules is death. yes i know it's a harsh punishment but they all are fine with it. next time i go on my world i'll make a rule bored, listing those four rules and some more.
okay, a the beginning of this update i said something about bread, "That's some good bread, even better with butter." ~ Kevin Staley August 11th 2017. anyway, jokes aside tye bread was from this church from Valpo, but the bread itself came from some place called Panera Bread. heard of it? not much myself. i know it's a restaurant, if you ever ate at a Panera Bread, how was it? was the food there good or bad? but for the last 3 days all i've eaten is bread. it's so good, i honestly want to work at a Panera Bread so i can learn how to make their bread. no i wouldn't sell it, i'd eat it, and give most of it to food drives. anyway on that note goodbye and have a wonderful day tomorrow, or a wonderful day if your reading this on the 12th. you know what, have a wonderful week, that's how i feel right now, i feel like everyone reading this will have a wonderful week starting on the 12th. bye! and goodnight!

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