May 3rd 2018 12:25 am

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for the past three days i've lacked the ability to write my book. in all i've written...maybe...6 paragraphes a day, which is not normal. four days ago i wrote an entire chapter, and now i can hardly write this one. i know exatly what will happen, and it is one of the last few chapters. maybe it's the fact that i'm almost done writing the first book  in the Battle of the Pures series, or if at the moment i'm just not in the mood to write. so i do what i do, and watch Aavak. everytime i watch him i get in the mood to write. but really, i want to play games on the computer, problem the only gams on the computer i'm not a fan of. there are only two games. League of Legends, a game where you have to learn everything about every character, or something like that. something i don't want to do. and Cosmoteer, a repetitive, boring game, to me anyway. basically build a space ship and fight other space ships. continue doing that until you go through all of the solor systems then start again. yes you can keep building onto your ship, and yes you can save the blueprint of your ship, but to build a large ship you already made costs lots of the in-game currency. and no the enemies do not respawn. it really is just a waste of time.
a game i do want to play on the computer, either Minecraft or Rimworld. both can not run on the computer we have. i already know something i would save up for when i get a job, a better computer. so i can play both Minecraft and Rimworld on it. but really we would need to be in a bigger house. and have my own room. or end up getting a new desk or be forced to get a laptop. honestly, i'd get a laptop. one: i could be on it when i'm i bed. two: it'd be mine and no one elses, 'causse i bought it with MY money. and no matter what, Bruce will not get his greedy hands on it. and three: i'd be able to play both Minecraft and Rimworld on it, hopefully. and be able to write my book on something that wasn't free!...sorry for my angry yell. this stupid tablet was free, and ever since i've got it it's been nothing but a giant steaming pill of horse poop. and four: i could possibly start making the vidoes for the YouTubes.'m not alone all day. James is home during the day while both Bruce and Ashley are in school. and James is gone at work during the night wwwhile both Bruce and Ashley are home. they'd be rude and want to go on my laptop because their things are terrible pieces of metal. they'd go to Mom and beg her for them to go on my thingy, then i wouldn't be able to touch my thing all day, and when i do get to touch it it would be almost dead. it's happened before with this tablet. many of times before. but now everyone either has a poop tablet or a poop mini laptop that they neveer let off the charger. *cough* *cough* Bruce *cough* *cough*. and that'd be why the thing is so messed up. it's never turned off and never leaves the charger, making it over heat and over chargered. either the thing is going to melt or catch in fire and he wont know why, but  do, it would have over heated. it's on now, and so is his 2DS. and that's also on and on the charger. he really does not know how to tend to his electrronices. i'm not saying that i do either, but i certantly know more than him.
i wouldn't throw my tabley away, no. that'd be a waste of this...i'm trying to complement it, but its hard to do it...this...this good? great! okay. i'd be writing or playing a game on my laptop and be listening to music through my tablet. i can't listn to music and write at the same time on my tablet, and i can't sit at the desk for too long either. the chair doesn't have a back to it. it is old and broken. its uncofortable and it hurts my back to be sitting stright up for hours at a time, i need to rest my back from time to time. and sitting slouched doesn't help me at all.
at this point i'd rathe be in my bed. sitting against the wall on my bed. but i can't watch Aavak and write at the same time. which sucks.
anyway, have a great day, i know i won't. i haven't been in a fine mood for a short bit, no i'm not getting sick, and no it's not because i'm sleep deprived. well, maybe a little from that last one, but it is mostly probably from my depression. go me for throwing that out again. okay, i am very much sleep deprived. my typing is worth a few cow poops and nothing else. yay. cup of chocolate milk. i need to go to bed, but you know what? i'm going to bed. goodnight! and have the sweetest of dreams! uwu! lightning! or am i seeing things? i'm going crazy! ahhahahahahasda;flkdjsa
*sigh* goodnight...

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