October 3rd 2018 10:51 am Thinning The Horde

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I've been playing Call of Duty Zombies a lot recently. And I mean a LOT. Like for the past few days the only thing that I have been playing is CoD Zombies. So for the past 4 days I've at least played 20 hours of Call of Duty Zombies. That is not normal, not for me anyway. Most of that time is spent with James, but at lest 6 hours was just me playing solo getting better at it. Really I'm more training myself for Easter Eggs. I have gotten better. The other day I said a few ways to determin how good someone is at CoD Zombies. And one of those ways is to ask "What's your highest round?" either solo or multiplayer. I don't really know my highest round with another player, I think it's like 24? I don't know. But I do know what it is for solo. 37. That is really high, to me anyway. Normally I don't get past round 20, solo or multiplayer. But yesterday I got to the high thirties. Which is completely new ground for me. And then the other day James and I got to Step 6 of the Origins easter egg for the first time. Even now we can hardly even past the 1st step. And when we do we can hardly do the 2nd step without going down at least once. Black Ops III's Zombies is much easier than Black Ops II's Zombies. In a few ways. Black Ops II's Zombies has a difficutly setting. Easy and classic. Easy mode has the zombies run at a much later round than round 3. I think it's round 6 when they start to run. Black Ops III does have more game mechanics than Black Ops II so really comparing the two games is not fair. If I'm going to compair games it would have to be Black Ops I and Black Ops II, mainly becuase they are much alike. They have the same game mechanics, unlike Black Ops III, where you can slide and get a free Gobblegum at the start of every round. Anyway, when I play Origins solo I can't do the 1st step. Mainly becuase I sort of refuse to do the Lightning staff. To get the Lightning Staff peices you have to be on a tank for a ride around the map. The reason I don't want to do that is becuase the zombies will sprint after the tank. And the zombies at max speed is actually scary. They are a little faster than tha tank when sprinting after it. They always catch up to the tank, and they can jump up onto it and chase you. Which is also scary becuase you have to watch the zombies that are follwoing the tank and chasing you on top of the tank, and you have to watch for the upcoming jump to get to the Lightning Staff piece. Ijust don't like it. When playing with two or more players and someone is going for the Lightning Staff pieces it is much easier. The reason being, whoever is going for the Lightning Staff pieces can do it at the end of the round when there is only one zombie left. The other player can trian the zombie somewhere in the map, which would let the person who is trying to get the Lightning Staff pieces
without having to worry about a zombie chasing the tank like it's going for the gold medal in the Olympics. Though unless if you don't have Stamin-Up or another person on the tank for the second ride it will cost most likely more than 1000 points. Though if you were to get Stamin-Up just for the Lightning Staff than it would cost 3000 points. I'd rather use that for Juggernog or Speed Cola. But you can still get back onto the tank before it gets out of reach if your fast enough on the second tank ride. I don't really like doing the Wind Staff either, but since I do it all the time I'm fine with it. The reason being becuase I need to shoot at one of the robot's feet. And then there is training a zombie for half an hour hoping for Freya to finally walk through. Anyway, I'm fine with getting the Wind Staff, but it is supper dangerous, to me. Becuase if I miss the foot, I die. Sniper Rifles are not for shooting the feet. Assult Rifles are what is good. Than Ice Staff is easy, just make sure you have the complete map open. Fire Staff can't be done until round 8, which is when the first Panzer spawns.
Anyway, playing Zombies with others is much easier than playing by yourself, but more zombies spawn when there are more than one player. The more players, the more zombies.
Why is that thought popping into my head? It's not a bad thought, just one that is highly unlikly to happen. It's the same thought I had a long while ago. It's the thought that had me playing CoD Zombies with Jannessa. I've been thinking of her a lot more too recently. But never when I'm playing Zombies. And when I do think about her in Zombies it's usually at the peak of my game, or I pull through a tough moment. Those are really the only times I think of Jannessa. Mostly when I clutch my way through a horde of zombies. Like when I get red screened (one hit until I get downed) a thought of her just pops into my head and I just pull through this horde of zombies. And then there is the though train that happens every now and then. Like the other night when Brian was here. Ashley, my sister, made a small story in her art book thing here on Wattpad.  I voted on it too. Like when we were playing Nacht Der Untoten, Night of the undead. During that entier game I was thinkign about Jannessa. I don't remember what I was thinking about her. Though I'm pretty sure it was more just a random train of thought. Maybe that's why I did poorly. Not saying that Jannessa made me play worse than how I normally do. I'm not saying that. I'm saying that I put most of my thinking power to Jannessa, rather than playing Nacht with three other people. Honestly, if I could choose three people to play CoD Zombies with at the same time, it would probably be: Jannessa, Micheal, and Meghan. I should talk to Micheal sometime. I honestly miss him. I should talk to him at sometime. Knowing me I'll just procrastinate. I want to play Zombies. Before I get far into this I'm going to stop. Mainly becuase I've been writing this Update for a few hours, and I have taken like two one hour breaks. Anyway, I'll see you at some other time. Bye!

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