September 26th 2017 8:15 pm 100 4 Count Push-Ups

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Oh dear. Ohh deary dear. Ohh boy. Have you ever had a chance do something you want to do, but it would only happen in your dreams, then you get a chance to let that dream come true? Does that make sense to you? No? Yes? Okay. I'll tell you why I asked that question, ugh I don't want to tell you either. Ahh poopsickles!
Okay, calm down Kevin, it's just a simple explanation, that involves Jannessa.
Exactly! If I can't even talk to her because I'm too shy, then I can't even say this explanation!
Calm down. Your making a big deal over this. I know why though, but I think the reader doesn't. Just tell them, the sooner you do, the better off you'll be.
Fine, fine. Geez O.K. you seem more off today, would you like to say why?
I will when you ask the question.
No no no. I can't ask her that question!
Yes you can. All you need to do is have more courage.
Do you know what your saying?
Yes, I do know what I'm saying, Kevin. And since this update has Jannessa at it's core, I think she might want to know. She does read this the last time we checked. So, since she's there reading this, might as well ask here while you still don't know what your doing.
I know what I'm doing, O.K., I just can't ask her!
You want me to ask for you?
That's a yes right? Okay good.
Shut up, I will hurt you very much!
You'll hurt yourself.
I know I will, but it will get you to he quite.
Listen Kevin, your deadline is Friday. You don't ask her by then you'll lose this chance that will never happen again. Do you want that to happen? Lose a big chance to get closer to her? This might be your only chance!
Thanks for making me feel more scared to ask.
Ah crap. Okay, Kevin. Listen, I know your scared to ask her. Your scared because she might say no, and you'll sit in fear that another chance like this might never happen. Kevin, just ask her. I believe you can, I bet she does too. I bet those reading this believe you can ask her too. We're all here for you. I'm here. Jannessa is there. Everyone reading this is here for you. You can't live in fear your entire life.
Are you sure about that?
Watch me.
Ask her.
She'll say no.
Ask her.
She'll say no.
Kevin. Don't make me make you ask. I will if I have to.
You wouldn't.
I will if I have to.
Good. And if you don't do it tomorrow 100 push-ups.
Yes. 100 4 count push-ups.
Then that's 400!
I know, so are you going to ask her. Oh, and I will record you doing the push-ups to show everyone reading this that you did them. Deal?

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