october 22nd 2018 4:20 pm

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i'm sorry. as i said in the last update, will, i think i said it before, i can't do anything this month. but i was writing before, like, a lot. the end of one chapter and most of the next. and since yesterday i made it my job to "homebrew" two classes for dnd. a Light Controller and a Dark Controller. the dark one was easy. it's a fighting class, but the light one is hard, mainly because it's more of a healing and support class rather than a fighter class. why did i make a light and dark controller class for dnd? well, it as nothing to do with Pure Energy. nothing. the Dark Controller get's thier dark power from the Pit's of Darkness that lie in the deepest dungeons of Sylvana, or World of Demons in Ancient Ashferian. and the Light Controller get's their power from the Well of Light that is on the eastern coast of Ashenfere. a holy site pretty much. "It is said that the first goddess Tiina, blessed that place and built a temple where all men and woman can find refuge." that was taken by the Ashferian book of gods and goddesses. see how much time i put into my worlds? well, if not, then i put in a lot of time. i'm making a timeline for the Pure Energy universe and a whole lot of lore surronding Ashenfere. i made a book detailing the powers of the gods and goddesses of Ashenfere for crying out loud! sorry, i've been...quick to anger since yesterday. i don't know why, though my only theory suggests what happened last year on the 21st of October. at least i have only been angry att myself, so far. oh, by the way, the Cult of Hatoath book will be delaid majorly. the reason being is that i originally planned it to be a book that followed my DnD campaign, also called the Cult of Hatoath, but it seems that now the team is split, and i have to do solo sessions with bruce, and james and ashley always have to do something last minute when we all agreed on a time for their session. such as right as i'm getting my stuff together ashley goes on the computer and james goes on the playstation. i'd be fine only playing with one person, problem being i don't want that person to be bruce. his character is a good person, who murders, tortures, and is a bad buy, so he should be Neautral Evil, or even Chaotic Evil, not Lawful Good. Lawful Good people do NOT murder at the drop of a hat, does not want to get into a fight, does not insult anyone, does not threaten anyone, and they do not torture anyone, even if that person deserves it! i don't care what your problem is! if you are LAWFUL GOOD, then stick to your alignment! DON'T JUST SWITCH IT WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE IT! ...sorry, as i said, quick to anger. i'd rather play with someone who would stick to their character and not just do what they please, and beg me for a weapon that i don't care about. or beg me to give them something too over powered to where they can kill a Tarrasque in one hit! which has an average hit points of 676, or roll 33d20+330. YOU DON'T DO THAT! sorry, again, anger. well, he didn't really beg for a weapon that can kill the hardest monster in the game, but i know that he will if he learns that he will end up facing a Demon King. he did beg me to give him followers, which giving the players followers is the sign of a bad DM. reason being it just shows that the DM would rather be an adventurer than the DM. but if said follower was related to the story and wouldn't be with the group long then that is fine. but if they are there form relativly the beginning of a game and they are there for the entirety, then that's a bad DM. i toke away Tek, a badass warforge who i made to be a healer, but ended up killing everything because everyone wanted to get into a fight with 10 bandits. if it weren't for Tek then that fight
would have be a TPK, total party kill. and it was all the LAWFUL GOOD persons fault. he wanted to kill some people for experiance and grind so he can be max level before they even did the first thing, which is read a damn scroll! sorry, sorry, sorry. calm it! when this other dnd campaign is done with Megan's friends and they want to play more dnd i'll offer up my campaign. mainly because their will be around 5 to 6 party members, which means on average there will be at least 3 people a week that can play! damnit all! sorry.
anyway, i'll just tell you what i have been up too. for starters i've played Titanfall 2 a couple of times, 4 times to be exact, and i have all the trophies for that game, the Playstation equivilant to Xbox achievments. i had to get my heart broken 4 times in the past three days just by playing Titanfall 2, then my heart broke when i watched Braveheart for the first time, again a few times while i was watching my anime. so that was 8 times my heart broke just in the past 5 days. my heart is already broken too much. i have to lay off everything that can break my heart, so i can't even play Kingdom Hearts, for the song in the main menu always makes me want to cry. it's called Dearly Beloved. go listen to it if you want to. it's a great song. and i can't play zombies, for my heart breaks a little the closer i get to the ending of the story, and again when i fail the eater egg of a map. i can hardly listen to music, for most of the songs in my playlist make me want to cry, and i have to be careful of what i watch or i'll cry and break my heart. i want it to heal before i cry again. and writing my story right now is pulling at my heart strings. a few of the main characters are going through a really hard time, and it hurts me when i make something bad happens. i'm too sympathetic for my own good. i mean feeling sympathy for others is good and all, but if i can't even play pokemon without wanting to cry, well, it's just bad. everyone else sees them as a game, but i see each and every wild pokemon as an animal rather that a bunch of 1s and 0s. i can hardly tackle a Caterpie without saying "I'm sorry" no lie! i can hardly kill zombies without saying "i'm sorry you were pained to come back." i'm just too nice. part of me wonders, where would i be if i was not a nice person? if i didn't just put up with what goes on? what would i be doing and where
would i  be? do you hate the fact that i'm nice? or do you like it? who am i even talking to? even if someone was reading this they wouldn't answer. they never answer. i'm always so alone. damnit, i made myself cry. i'm sorry. i really am.

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