October 4th 2017 9:41 pm

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so yesterday i found this app, it's like an agenda app, but different. it's called lifeRPG if you want to check it out for yourself. but basically it is an agenda app. you set up things, or missions, as the app calls them. while making the mission you can set it's difficulty, like how hard it is, how urgent it is, how important it is, and the fear of it too, how scary it will be for you. and these three slider bars will add up to make a XP gain from it. when you finish the mission you gain the XP from it and you can possibly level up, basically it has a game format. and while making a mission, there will be a spot that is asking for skills, like what would you need to do in this mission. like for me, one of my skills is, Talk to Jannessa, i'm not going to say why. and the XP from the mission will also go into whatever skill you are using in the mission, so you would possibly level up, and so would whatever skill(s) you used in that mission. there's an inventory screen as well, i don't really have a use for it, but if you do, great! basically it's a game, but set up to be an agenda. it's actually very great. i know i'll be using this for the rest of my life. hey! it might also might help build upon my courage because of how shy i am! but yeah, that's all i wanted to say. bye.

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