April 26th 2018 12:21 pm Doggy Talk

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YES!!! I'M FINALLY ALONE AT HOME!!! don't worry, i won't have to protect my home from two theives. *cough* *cough* Home Alone joke *cough* *cough* anyway, straying from any Kevin jokes, lets get to why i'm making this update. so the strangest thing happened to me earier. so yesterday i was thinking about Rodney, Big Boy, Moose, Eva, and every other pet, that have either died or were sent to an animal shelter in the past, that i loved. and i'll tell you what happened to me. so i was making myself a horrible sandwich (it was made with white bread and not wheat bread) in the kitchen, and Runner, one of our cats that we have now, came into the kitchen and sat down. I stopped making my sandwich and gently pet Runner. he then stood up and went over to the litter boxes, and he dug a little heart in one of them. it was cute. then Runner went to a differnt litter box and took a poop. I'm that person that sometimes will believe in certain things at certain times, like the paranormal. at any given time i'll just think, "Ghosts are cool thoughts." then when I watch something like Ghost Adventures I'll just think, "Wow, ghosts are real." see what I mean? no? yes? whatever. basically at that moment when i saw the heart in the litter my first thought was that all of the pets that have gone in the past were telling me that they love me and that i should move on, form them, and everything bad currently. and you know what? i will take their word for it.
when i move out, i'm always going to have at least one dog at all times. one dies, i'm instantly getting another. why? because i need a dog. i haven't had a dog since last summer, when Big Boy died, and since then a hole in my heart has yet to be filled. it wasn't there when we had Big Boy, but since big Boy has been gone, something inside me has been missing. i've been trying to find it in my few friends ever since. in Jannessa and Megan, not being dogs, no, that is nothing at all what i'm talking about. i mean i've been trying to find the safty in speaking to them, like when i used to talk to Big Boy. he never judged me, he always loved me no matter what i said. and no matter what he never told anyone what i told him, though that is mainly because he couldn't speak english, but i knew that he wouldn't tell anyone. and i knew that everything i said to him was safe. when i move out, i'm always going to have a dog. i prefer the bigger dogs, not small ones, but if i were to end up living with someone else, like a girlfriend or something, wanted a smaller dog, then i'll get a smaller dog.
the reason i like bigger dogs is because then that's a bigger dog to love.

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