August 9th 2017 7:52 pm

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ouch, that hurt. i'm fine, i just accedentaly hit my head on my dresser. i'll be fine. so you know a while ago when i said i didn't get a present in 10 years or something like that. well do you know Fox, i've talked about him a few times, well apparently two birthdays ago, last year or something he gave me his giant box of Pokemon cards on my birthday. too bad no one plays Pokemon anymore. well people do, just no one around here plays Pokemon cards. i mean i'll teach anyone that wants to learn how to play, no money involved, i am not easy to please with money. well i can't be pleased with money. i am not like most people who only care about money. sure later in life i will have to care about it, but even then i won't be pleased with it. like lets say i have this old thing that everyone wants, and someone sees i have one. they can offer me $1,000,000,000,000 and i will still say no. no matter if they give me ten whole solar systems worth of money, i will only say no, no no no. but anyway i would teach anyone how to play. it's easy to learn and it doesn't change any of it's rules when a new set of cards comes out, cough cough, Yu-Gi-Oh, cough cough. and it doesn't five you a very rare card in every booster pack, cough cough, Magic, cough cough. it's a fairly easy game to learn.
anyway, what was i saying earlier, oh yeah. i haven't slept in 4 or 5 days, and the last time i got sleep was 4 hours at most, and at least 2 hours. and before the ramen o ate earlier i hadn't eaten in a few days, and what i did eat were two small strawberries, and i'm not one for strawberry, well if it's offered i'll eat it, but that's me being nice. that's me in general. a nice lonely person, who is depressed very much and can hardly keep anything under my feet. and i don't mean the floor, i mean anything. like hobbies, favorite things, a reason to care about myself.

sleep sleep sleep

well, that happened. i slept at least, for maybe an hour. i dreamed at least. it was a, painful dream i guess. and i use that word unknowingly. i mean i don't know if ot was a nightmare or a dream. basically the dream was i had the living crap (sorry for coursing) beat out of me during school. i mean blood everywhere kind of beating. no i did not fight back. i thought to myself in the dream, "Fighting back will only make it worse, besides what have I got to prove by fighting back?" yes a crowd of faces did circle me as i was getting heat up. and i don't want to talk about that part, but again, if you ask, i shall answer. i'll get some sleep sometime tomorrow or much later tonight. i stay up normally to 2 in the morning, occasionally i stay up to 3. rarely up to 4, well if i do sleep anyway.

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