September 12th 2018 7:15 am Fanfiction Of My Own Fiction

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Okay, so I was just watching Naruto (typical Kevin) and the episodes I watched were mostly fillers. Fillers are just episodes of anime for when the anime catches up to the manga to the anime writers make an episode or two or three and-ooh notification. Double ooh, Jannessa related notification. Anyway, so the writers of the anime make a few episodes that don't involve the main story at all, or if they do then they take place before what is happening now. Manga is like, anime, but in book form, well they are more like a graphic novel. Anyway, so the episodes of Naruto Shippuden were fillers about the Chunin (or was it Chuunin. TO THE INTERWEBS! I know my Naruto, I spelled it right.) exams that take place after the events of Naruto, not Naruto Shippuden. Anyway, so Shikamaru was the procter for the round 1 of the exams and one of the questions had to do with: Your team is on a mission and you know that you are being followed. One of your team must stay behind and be the decoy as the others get away. Though the person that stays behind will face certain death. (A normal ninja team is made up of 3 ninja). Anyway so after Shikamaru said this question Sakura was thinking about the old Team 7, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, without Kakashi Sensei. She thought that Naruto would have himself be the decoy so Sakura and Sasuke could ge away. For the question Naruto would write "me", while Sakura and Sasuke would write "Naruto". Then it went to Naruto and Sasuke yelling at each other. Sasuke saying that they knew that Naruto would write down his name. But then Naruto yelled, "Ninja who don't think about their comrads are worse than scum!" and that was how Sakura knew how to beat that quesion. Don't write anything down. And she passed round 1 with Ino and Choji.
Anyway, so when I was watching this I thought about my Pure Energy books, and the Pure Beings within them. If I were to make a fan-fiction anbout my book and style it like Naruto, then who would be in the 3 man teams. Well, for one of them I'd put Blue, Purple, and Red together. You know, gotta put two of the Pure Beings that hate each a lot together. Makes for great character development. For another team would be Dark Blue, Dark Red, and Black. Mainly because they all go great together, in both design and in my story. Another team would be Orange, Yellow, and Pink. Another would be Green, Light Red, and Dark Purple. And I would also make a whole lot more teams, and a whole lot more Pure Beings. Hazel, Brown, and Magenta would be a team. Anyway just thought I should share that with you.
Oh, look at that. I used both of my Update Slots for the day. I said a while back that I would not make a third Update in a single day, mainly becuase the third update in a day always seemed to be terribly negative to me, and sometimes to you readers. If I do end up sharing something else today I will look over it a few times before publishing it so y'all can read it. Gotta love that! Heheh

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