Augest 8th 2017 3:13 am Pokemon 1998 Version

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i have no idea if anyone is reading this, but whatever. so yesterday i got on my 3DS and remembered i had bought a game with money i earned. i bought Pokemon Red Version, one of the first two Pokemon games, and it was released in 1998 for the Nintendo Gameboy. you know, back when the only colors was white, black, and a weird green color. so i restarted because i hadn't played since, well, last year i think somewhere around Christmas. and i didn't know who to pick. Charmander, Squirtle, or Bulbasaur. so instead of me picking the Pokemon, i asked Jannessa who would she pick, based on name. and she picked Squirtle. and so for once i'm going to nickname all my Pokemon. so i named the Squirtle, well Jannessia, with the "i" on purpose. mainly because she picked the Pokemon, and a Squirtle from 1998 looks like a girl, so Jannessia is Squirtle's new name. and i've been playing for about 6 hours and 37 minutes. with a 45 minute dinner somewhere in there and many couple minute stops to help someone with something. and so by midnight Jannessia was level 20 and not an hour later she was level 22. now my party right now has a level 22 Jannessia (Squirtle), level 16 Robinhood (Pidgey​), level 15 Jitters (Pikachu), and a level 8 Psykie (Abra). and that goes in order on first Pokemon got to last Pokemon got. now i have a funny story about Robinhood, my Pidgey. so you know Robinhood right? guy with a bow and arrow, never misses a shot. well my Pidgey is the opposite. he didn't start hitting things until he learned Quick Attack. and that was at level 11 i think. now i caught the Pidgey at level 2. and with the massive amounts of missing he was knocked out, nearly everytime i throw him out to battle. now i have a tendency to never have my starter Pokemon get knocked out. mainly because it hurts me inside to see my first Pokemon get smacked around. and since my starter is mostly named after my only friend and first crush it will hurt me much harder. so now my Pokemon are looking at with Jannessia with 0 faints, Robinhood with over 30 faints, Jitters with 4, and Pcykie with 0. now i'm playing my Pokemon 1998 version while watching YouTube. first time in a week. and i was watching one person, StephenVlog. go check him out, he is actually a good person. he also has a gaming channel StephenPlays.
my Pokemon 1998 Version...well...whatever.
so way earlier yesterday i said something that i'm happy went over their head. i'll tell you people one days, just not now.
so not only do i have Pokemon Red Version, i had Pokemon FireRed with every Pokemon caught somewhere, i also have Pokemon Platinum with almost every Pokemon, i have a no longer Pokemon Diamond version. i have Pokemon Soul Silver, i'm getting Heart Gold soon. I have both Pokemon White and Black, i used to have White 2, then i was forced to trade james for his Black 2. I also have Pokemon Sun. And I also own many Pokemon cards. I have a small box of them, and james's friend Fox gave me i giant box filled with Pokemon cards, and i mean it is big. not a normal box for holding normal things, i mean this box ks made for cards.  and i looked through it a couple of months ago. i didn't go through all of it though. but i do want to make a new deck. because right now i have a fire type deck, and i'm not really a fire type person. i'm more of a Grass, Water and Fighting type guy. problem is i don't have enough water or grass energy cards (cards that allow you to fight with your Pokemon) to handle even half a deck, and i have no fighting energy cards at all. now i'm sure in that big box of cards i can make a few decks, one for me, and maybe a few for other people, if anyone wants to's not as famous as Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic, but i really do like Pokemon. I play Yu-Gi-Oh sometimes and i only played Magic twice, both times neither micheal or james tought me how to play. so you can see how that went. but if they were to battle me in Pokemon, i would wipe the floor with them. now that's going to be one of the few things i say i'm good at. if any of the bullies find out that i play the Pokemon Card Game, i don't want to know. i haven't told you what my favorite Pokemon is, have I? Well my favorite Pokemon is Lucario, a Fighting Steel type Pokemon. no not because he got his own movie. it's just in Platinum after hours upon hours of playing you go to Steel Island, or called the burning fires of Hell, you get an egg from a guy. this egg will hatch into Riolu, Lucario's pre-evolution. and when i got him for the first time i said to myself, "Holy cow...I can't wait to mop the floor with some trainers." now my team in Platinum had my starter, a fire type, a water type, Lucario, Gardevior, and another Pokemon, never a legendary. now i did fight some random people in a McDonalds once. they were in the Playplace with their DS's playing Diamond and Pearl. I came up their with my DS with Platinum, they had a small tournament their and their was maybe 16 or 18 of us. and i one with a team of three. My starter, Licario, and a Togepi. now if i had lost i had another chance of wining because those that lost went into the redemption bracket, and it was practically another tournament, and the winner of the main bracket and the redemption bracket would fight to see who won. now that was the toughest fight i have ever had with another human being, it was also the last. now i had lost my first fight, mainly because i had taken a month break of Pokemon, and they were using a Legendary. but i fought my ay through the redemption bracket to the top. the winner of the main bracket had a team of three legendaries. and my Lucario mopped the floor with each and every one of them. not kidding. and i won ten dollars and a free Arcus, the Pokemon that created all Pokemon. and he can only be gotten through special events. so i got that Arcus, completing my Pokedex and i bought two Pokemon booster packs at Walmart the same day. in one of them i got Garittina, the legendary Pokemon on Platinums box, and in the other one i got a full art shiny Lucario, which is rare as all hell, sorry for coursing. and int the same pack that i got the Lucario in i got Uxie, another legendary Pokemon. and that day was a very good day,but three days later my special Lucario "disappeared". i found it a day later with a massive pee stain on it. and i put it in a card protecter which should have keep the pee off the card, but even then how and why did it have a pee stain on it? it was safely locked in my small box of cards. and since then i have yet to give out any information on how rare cards i have.
well time to get back to my Pokemon 1998 Version.

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