august 30th 2018 5:13 pm

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don't expect anything about the Cult of Hatoath. it might end as quickly as it started. why? bruce. the crybaby is going to jail for murdering 3 gnomes. all of whom he killed. james is going to Coupta (the capital of Ashenfere), but he can eitehr save bruce, who is heading to jail, or not save him and not pass up this one oppertunity to enter Coupta (the city is practically on lockdown because of a little civil war with the Dragon Talon guild). this is his one oppertunity to eter Coupta, which is where he needs to go to continue his destiny, but if he passes this opeertunity then he won't be able to enter for a long time. and ashley, she didn't play last night, but she aslo cause D&D not to happen on Monday. she wanted to watch Infinity War, though she could have watched it the next day (being Tuesday), or she could have turned it on and waited until the movie was over before taking a shower. right now i'm punishing everyone in-game. bruce becasue he throws around his military rank almost like a flail (a spike bail on a chain) and talks down to every other soldier, not to mention he begged me to let him have TEK as a companion. my current plan is to kill TEK as soon as i can, though that would make bruce not want to play more becuase this robot man died. TEK is a Warforged (forged from war as i call them), a race made of metal and magic. not to mention bruce made his character be a nice person, and he can hardly do that.
james keeps asking me if they can not fight a Mind Flayer (if you watched Stranger Things 2 you might have a good idea of what it does, possibly), and i know that right now they are nowhere near a high level to even fight a Mind Flayer. i know when people are ready to giht a Mind Flayer, and they are not. he also keeps asking me what he can do, and i hate telling them what they can do. in real life your not given options to choose from and think over tehm carefully. sure, sometimes yes, most times, no. he needs to learn that he needs to shut up about enemies, or i will throw three dragons at him, and he needs to learn to quit asking me what he can do.
ashley, well, the only problem with her is that for two of the four times we played D&D she wanted to watch something else, and on the other two days when she did play she had annoying music playing. music that doesn't even fit the game. AJR or whatever it was. if any mucis is to play while we are playing D&D it will be music that fits a fantasy world, not a remix with spongebob playing over and over and over again, not to mention something about thirsty thursday then someone yoddleing. i'm sorry if you hate what i'm saying if you like AJR, i really am. and yes there was one or two songs that i did like, something about sober and something about the moon? i don't really know.
if D&D lasts for another week then i might make the Cult of Hatoath available to you, but if it does not then i'm going to have to rethink who i play D&D with.
bruce is being punished for thinking he can throw one of his features around like a flail. james needs to stop asking me what he can do and needs to stop asking me if they could not run into a Mind Flayer. and ashley needs to learn that if she doesn't play for more than one day a week i will force her to either quit, kill her and tell her that she was not ready for the fight becuase she does not play as much as james or bruce, or do something really important the next time she plays, forcing her to do something she has no idea how to do, such as break bruce out of jail.

i'm sorry. today i haven't really been in a great mood. my vault in Fallout Shelter decided to have most of my dwellers dissappear for no reason. bruce critized how many characters i have in my books and wants me to either kil most of them or erase most of them, and the PDFs i have on Word are annoying to use. i can't watch Naruto Shippuden without the screen telling me to reload the page at random times, but mostly in an important part, like how Naruto's parents died, or when he met his mother, or during something else.
and on top of that Jannessa thinks she's been mean to me. i don't know how or why, or how long. though that last thing doesn't make me annoyed or mad, it more makes me feel bad that she thinks she's been mean to me. she hasn't! i want to know why she feels like she's been mean to me. i watn to help, but the only way i know how it to ask questions. i need more information if i am to help her.
i shouldn't punish bruce, james, and ashley, i'd just be taking my anger out on them, making the game unfair. i just have no where else to let it out. games make me angrier, my books aren't for my anger, and D&D is no place for it. i need something to punch, like a punching bag or something. i'm tired of it being me (mentally). i need someplace, something that i could let my anger out. i should not let my anger to blind me from what i am to do. I will help Jannessa, and I will have fun on D&D days with Bruce, James, and Ashley. And if Ashley is wanting to watch something instead of playing Dungeons and Dragons then I will let her. It is her choice not to play, not mine. And I will find the best way to *^($#&%$#(

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Uh...that was werid. Must be the mental software I installed in my brain to keep me from talking about that one thing that I mustn't talk about. Don't worry, I didn't actually install something in my brain, if I did I would most likely be doing other things then this. Hehe. It feels so good to write with capitals and for them to actually mean something again. Alright, I'ma go work on my book. BYE!

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