November 9th 2018 8:00 am News!

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Okay, so I have some things to say. First thing is, the Cult of Hatoath will be a thing, someime late December I think. I don't know. I have to restart the campiagn. It's become a dating simulator for bruce, and James and Ashely can't do anything story wise because bruce has the only thing to continue the story. So later today I'm going to tell them that the campaign will restart. Level one characters, they can keep their characters, or they can make new ones. Up to them. The thing is I still have things to write for the campaign so Ashley will take the raigns of Game Master for a bit. She has a campaign she wants us to go through. Idon't know if bruce will play or not, maybe, but I don't know. So right now I'm looking for a late December release for the Cult of Hatoath. If not then somehwere in January or Febuary. But I don't know how long Ashley's story will take. So the Cult of Hatoath is back to the yellow light rather than the red light.
Second, Battle of the Pures I has the green light for it's planned release date. I just have a few chapters to go through, and a cover to make, other than that it's good. I've also renamed it, again. It is now Battle of the Pures  I  Awakening. It fits it much better than the last name and the first one.
Third, I had the idea the other day. Short stories, one-shots, stuff like that. So I plan to start making some one-shots, depending on how they are recieved I might make a full story for the One-Shot. Also this helps me write, and make some experiments with my writin without possibly hurting the main books.
Fourth, Origins is out! Imagine Dragons newest album was released late yesterday, rather than today. I listened to it for a long time and I love each song on it. I don't know every word to each song. I ended up putting Bullet In A Gun on repeat, and Bad Liar. Mostly Bad Liar. But I love each song, I'm listening to it now and Cool Out is the song playing. I love this song.
Fifth, as another form of writing and taking some freetime, I was thinking "What if I made character profiles and published them for y'all to see. YES! BAD LIAR! Sorry, anyway. So I was thinking that the other day. It would be something I would do, plus it let's you get closer to these characters for my stories, and you'd also know some things ahead of time. Not  major things, like if they are a Pure Being of not, but you'd know about these people. But I have to think about it.
I might publish the first One-Shot later today. WEST COAST! Sorry. I love all of these songs. Anyway, so look forward to later. I took an experiment with this One-Shot, so if you wonder why I wrote it the way I did, well I tested a thing.

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