December 8th 2018 9:29 am Everything Hurts

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Okay, so I didn't write much in yesterday's Update, and I left out a detail. I did not walk for 2 hours in the freezing cold with something warm. I walked in the cold for 2 hours wearing a thin hoodie, a backpack, fingerless gloves, and sweatpants. I was cold, and I'm still cold, though that might be the state of the trailer. And I'm sure I might be sick. I don't really know for sure. My nose is stuffy, but that is normal, but it's even more stuffy than it usually is. Either that is a cold, or it's literally just snot that decided to cover my second nose hole. It doesn't help that I had to put my gloves in the washer. My hands are cold. Now, when I got home I had to go to the gas station twice. With nothing more than an hour between them, and the firsst time was an hour after I got home, which I should not have done, cause I was still cold. It doesn't help that James had to point out the fact that I have NO FREAKING JACKET! I don't! The one I have is smelly, too small for me, and doesn't keep me warm. So I only have my thin hoodies to keep me warm. I hate being stuck with other people when I have to go to the gas station. They make the small trip worse. I hate this place.
Anyway, so after the 2nd trip I went to bed and passed out almost instatnly. And that was near 6, then I woke up at 3. Only to find out that I missed a text from Jannessa. Which I hate doing. When I'm not home it's my only fear, or when I have my tablet and it's not connected to the internet I fear that I might miss a text from her, which only makes the time I'm gone seem longer than what it really is. I can't help it. Anyway, I responded to her intantly and found that everything hurt. My legs, my sides, my arms, it all just hurt. And they still hurt. My chest hurts. I'm in so much pain, and yet I'm still going to edit my book and get it out on time despite the consequences. Why? Because, I won't let anything get in my way. When I'm at school I'm editing my book. When I'm home I'm editing my book. When I should be sleeping I'm editing my book. Even when I'm eating I'm editing my book, and that is only a thing because we don't eat dinner like every other family. We have Free Choice most nights as dinner, and yes, I choose the Go Hungry option most of the time. I'm not hungry, like, ever. I need money. I honestly think after I publish my book this Tuesday I'm going to get a job. Mah is looking into getting me a phone, and I don't her to pay $50 on me. Since she's looking into getting both m and Ashley a phone then that would be 100 a month, pluse her's, James', dad's, dad's old phone. 300. 300 a month, and we can hardly stay in this trailer, let alone pay for internet. So I'm going to get a job, pay for my own phone, by giving Mah 50 or so a month for my bill. Ashley isn't old enough for a job, so she can't pay her's with her own money, mainly because she doesn't have any. And James is "depressed". The only reason I'm saying that like that is because he isn't. Nothing about him says that he is depressed, or even sadened. I mean, I know how I hide the fact that I'm depressed. I have my Updates, and my books. James plays Dark Souls, Destiny, and has a great friend named Fox. The only reason he's "depressed" is because he worked at McDonalds and quit. Since then he hasn't done anything to ever try and make money. He's not even making YouTube videos to get more of his content out there so more people see at and watch him, and subscribe to him. He's 20 for Light's sake! He's more than qualified to start getting money from YouTube. Though he does need a certain amount of subscribers, which I think is just 100, and watch time before he can start getting money. And by then people will start liking his content, which Likes on videos, and Veiws on videos go into how much money you earn for a single video. He plays on the PS4 all day, it's not like he doesn't have the time to just record 6 30 minute Dark Souls videos and upload them all that day. He doesn't even need to edit, just record, then Upload to YouTube. He has a phone, so he has the capability to unlock longer videos. He is fully capable of making videos and earning money for it, yes it will take a long while. I'm only
subscribed to him mostly so he gets to that set amount of Subcribers faster, and watch time to start earning money. I'm trying to help him. He also has about 1 and a half hours of Zombies footage in the PlayStation right now. yes it's splitscreen, but there are a lot of people who don't care. People such as myself like to watch videos that have splitscreen gameplay, it means I won't get bored cause in the one video I have another view point to watch through. Which is another reason why I like channels such as Neebs Gaming and Stumpt, sure they don't have multiple view points at once, but they keep switching between them for the viewers to not get bored. Sure, Neebs Gaming does it for the video to be more film-like and Stumpt does it to keep us interested in the video or to see something funny that happens to one person and not another. Besides, it's not like he can get Fox some sort of earbuds, or headphones with a microphone so they can talk through the Party system in Playstation so his viewers can hear him too. It's easy, sure he would need to wait until Fox gets here, but even then it's still easy, and cheap, depending on the type of headphones or earbuds. I don't get why he doesn't try. He says that no matter what he does he'll never make an impact on the world, so he doesn't try and he would rather kill himself than try. What kind of reasoning is that? No matter what you do you make an impact on the whole world. Let's look at people like Markiplier. If he never started YouTube he'd be off doing something else. And I have seen comments saying that he is the only person to make them laugh when they are feeling bad, and one time this person was going to kill themself then they found Mark. Some thing goes for Jacksepticeye. Yes they started out small, but look at what they have done now. Channels such as Geek & Sundry, their Twitch livestreams are always partnered with a chairty. All the donations they get in a single livestream goes to a chairty. They first started out small. Everyone starts out small. Then the grow big. Yes, of course some people are bigger than others. I read a thing the otehr day about a homeless man was feeding stray dogs his food. A homeless man, not a rich guy, not a poor guy, not that one guy, a HOMELESS guy was feeding stray dogs his only things of food. He was searching for the poor pups with food to give them. SEARCHING for them. That guy, bless his soul, that guy is so kind that he gives his only food to stray dogs. And the guy that wrote that
post took the homeless guy out to a good resteraunt and baught him a meal. And that guy sees the homeless guy every now-and-then and still sees him searching for stray dogs to feed them. If that is not an act of kindness, than I don't know what is.
That homeless guy is making his mark on the world, and people noticed it, and one guy wrote about it on the internet, just to let other people see that guy. Tell me how many homeless people have the selflessness in their heart to give their only food, food that they can't get everyday, to random dogs on the street that everyone else hates. As far as I know, only that guy. He's a small person, making a big mark on the world. And then you'll see a rich guy do nothing but make a negative mark (does something bad, like take children away from their families to "prove a point" that annyone that isn't American can be played with. *cough cough* our STUPID "president" *cough cough*) on the world. That just prroves the distant between the unknown and what they do, and the known and what they hurt.
But James would never listen to me, he never does. Though I can suggest to him to record when he plays Dark Souls or plays on the Playstation in general. Then he could just Uplaod them without editing. He likes to play games, so doing the YouTube is good for him, cause it doens't need much of an effort to do for some people. Some people keep their videos raw, no editing, no intro, no nothing. They just hit record, stop recording, save recordind, and Upload. Yes, he would have to give the video a title, but he's doing fine right now for the four videos he has, which are all a few seconds each. I mean he can play Minecraft, and make more than one video a day. Or make a few videos one day, and Upload them all throughout the week, which is very much possible. Almost every Youtuber does that. Mark does it when he needs to go somewhere like E3 or Pax. He pre records videos for the trip and Uploads them when he's there. It's rather easy to do record a video then Upload it.

Hold on, I went from talking to you about my situation to the ranting on about YouTube again. Sorry, well, I also talked about a homeless guy at one point. I want to play Minecraft now. I'ma do that. I might do that actually, record it too. Then Upload them, mainly because I was talking about doing that, and now I want to do that. Ayway, yeah. I hope you all have a good Saturday.

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