September 9th 2017 9:43 pm I See The First Person That Might Love Me

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i think i'm done talking for a long while...i...i just don't want to shut anyone out again...even though i'll be shutting everyone this point i'll just be shutting Jannessa out pretty much every month now...i never should have said anything before...i should have never even answered her that day...i know i'll never be able to talk to her...i can't look her in the yes for the few times i've seen them...not even in her picture...i just cant look at her it in a picture...or in person...something inside me just cant do it...well...actually everytime i look at her eyes...I See The First Person That Might Love Me...but i keep pushing her out when i feel she might get to close to my heart...i shut her out to stop myself from loving her even more...i will go to the ends of the universe to show just how much i like you...Jannessa...if i could just shut up...i know you wont be able to talk to me don't even have to talk to me at all anymore...the more you do...the more i love never have to talk to me one has too...i don't want to be alone again...but everything is telling me i'll be alone because of what i don't have to bother yourself with me can stop wasting your time with can stop talking to me now...but i will keep counting the days since you made your's all i have now...your promise is the first shred of proof that someone would waste their time because of me...your promise is the first time anyone has ever done that...i can't talk to heart collapses everytime i see you...i know that no matter how hard i try i'll only go further and further away from can stop can stop reading these can push me out of your mind now...i never should have been there...i'm sorry i came into your life...i'll always like you...i'm really sorry i came into your life...i should have never came into your life...sorry you wasted so much of your time on me...i never should have entered your life...

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