May 27th 2018 11:57 am Bothersome Job

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Okay, so if you've been here for whatever long, you know I like to write. If you don't, well I like to write. So James is making this game called Abeo, it can not be made currently, due to bad computer and lack of knowlegde to make game. So James decided to use this time for arts and the story. And since I like to write I volenteerd to make the story. He doesn't tell me anything a head of time. The only thing he tells is what you play as. An Inhabitus. Something that can take over the bodies of something near death and their will to do something is really strong. Like Onetail Naruto strong. Don't know what that means? Search it up on the internet. Anyway so you play as this new Inhabitus. There are more Inhabituses out there, such as War and Peace. So I suspect that they are at war. So I waste an entire week making the story to this game, a week I could have spent editing my book, or making my other book. A week of my time wasted. So I finished it earlier and showed it to James. Instantly he says that War and Peace are not at war, and that they are siblings. And that their is no bad side until a third game. Basically I wasted a week of my time making a false stoary that will never see the light of day. I could have spent that week writing a few chapters in my own book. So I no longer write for James. If I'm going to write the story to anything I want to know what you want in it and what it is about. Not just one thing and keep all other information away from me. If you do that, I'm not writing that story for youu, unless all you know is a few things, like how it starts and how it ends. And you leave the rest to me, sure I'd write that for you. Next time I write for anyone I'm costing the, like a dollor. Just one, maybe just fifty cents. Pocket change really. Nah, I'm no jerk. I'm not going to cost anything to writ something for someone else. If whatever I'm writing is big, like an actual story to be published, then I'll cost something. But I'm not working for James. He made the story in his head and left me to do something to wast my time. I guess I have to stay up all night for the next few nights to catch up for lost time. I'm not working for James again. I'm done with his game.

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