December 21st 2018 1:15 am 400th Update, Tomorrow There Will Be A New Journal

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Whoa. I mean. Whoa. 400 Updates in a little less than 2 years. Okay, so first off, I'm playing Star Wars Battlefront 2, the old one, not the new, bad one. So when I'm writin is when I get small breaks from the fighting, but I can just pause the game I know, but what fun is that. I say as I puase the game. Anyway, I'm starting the new Journal with a high note. I'm not saying what it is, that is a surprise for the new Updates to come next year. No. I am not sayiing that there will be no more Updates until next year. I only said that because this year is practically over. I mean there are only ten days left, so I just said that. Anyway. Today, well, tonight is definatly one of the better nights in a long time. All that to come tomorrow in the next Journal. The Life of Me Part III. Don't worry, as soon as I get home tomorrow I'll make the Update. Though first I have to find a cover first. I want a brighter, more uplifting cover for the next Jouranl, so yeah. Tonight I'm going to find a new cover for the 3rd Journal. Hang on to your hats, cause the next ride will be long, dangerous, and hopefully uplifting. I don't know what is to happen. I'm just calling things out. Anyway. Have a good night, morning, or afternoon, whenever your reading this. Come back soon, and just remember, I am a StolenGiant. Until next time.

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