November 14th 2018 11:33 pm Paperwork

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So, I didn't pass out. Instead I got stuff done. I wrote some in my book, I ate some food, and I had a relatively good day.
Anyway, so Mah has alchohal in her, she just had Pool, the game on the table with the balls, not the thing with water. And Pool is at the bar, so it was expected that she would have some alchohal. Anyway, that is not what I'm here for. So she came in not to long ago and saw me writing on paper. She asked what I was doing, I told her I was doing something for bruce. She asked why. I said he didn't want to go through a character sheet again, so I told him I would do it. And Mah asked if I liked paperwork, and I do. Honestly, if I were to either play games for 6 hours or do paperwork for 6 hours, I would lean onto the paperwork side. Sure it would matter what that paperwork was, but I would most likely do that than play games. Games get me no where right now. Writing stuff, on paper or not, helps me a lot. My handwriting gets better, and I can write smaller and smaller now. I can't write super small, but now I can write small and have it be readable instead of it being sqiggly lines. My abilities at handwriting is getting better and better. I may not be writing in cursive, mainly because I never learned how, well, I only know how to write my name, correction. I can mostly write my own name in curssive. Though I can read it, I just can't write in it. Don't ask me why, I don't know how either. Though I can't write big. It just looks bad if I write in big letters. I don't know if that is normal, but it just how I am. I'm looking at this character sheet for bruce. His handwriting is much worse than mine, but I can still read it. Anyway, so I'm looked at this. And the place where you put a character's name is bad, meanwhile where I have to write small is much better. I don't know why, or how. But it just is.
Oh, before I go, I'm going to try and record a few videos tonight, and possibly tomorrow. If I do do this I might get a few videos ready to be published. If so then my life will be much better. That means that I'll just have one day, or night, where I record a few videos, maybe both the videos for that week, and if possible do the next week's videos too. I'll have to edit them the next night, or the same night. I don't know. But if I am to record then I'm going to have to secretly move the Playstation to the living room, or get James' permission. I don't want him to wake up in the middle of the night and freak out because his Playstation is gone. That would be the only way I can get some recording done in peice. For the living room is the only place people are not in the dead of night. I won't do much yelling, but at least I can be a little louder than I can if I'm on my bed and recording. I would have to be quiet for I have two people sleeping in this room. bruce and James. I'm queit by nature, but I still don't want to possibly wake them up. The only person that I would possibly wake up is Ashely, for her room is right next to the living room, being it behind the TV. Mah is down the hall, and dad is away on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights. So I wouldn't have to worry about waking him. Waking him would lead to...bad times.... Anyway, out of that subject. Onto my books.
The first book, Awakening, is currently on time. Though a though crossed me a few months ago. If all goes well for this book, like I go through it, take out stuff, put things in, and it gets perfect, what if (oh no, a dreadful if, this is bad), instead of publishing it here, I found someone, a publisher, and actually published it for real, like real pages and all that. If I did that then I would get money from it and wouldn't have to wait for it to get enough votes and reads on here for it to get the possibility of it getting sold on Amazon, or whatever that website was. I know it's possible. I was going through books a while ago and saw a few of them were also available on Amazon reads or whatever it was. But they had a lot of votes and reads. I don't know how long it took to gather up all of those, but it could have been a long time. Now I know that if you don't do something with your account for a long time it's deleted, and everything you did on your account is deleted. But all that is recoverable. There is something I read every now and then call Dead in Bed. I don't really know what it is about, I haven't read a word of it in a long time. But the originall author's account was inactive for a long time and was deleted. But someone at the Wattpad HQ recovered it and republished it. I don't really know much other than that. But that was just a thought. When I first thought that it was like May of this year, and I had planned to do it, though I didn't get on with said plan. I could never find a publisher that wasn't one of those "we'll do it free" sites. You know, those sites that say they are real, but they aren't. You give them the draft of your book, they say it is
intressting, but it's no good. They don't get rid of your book's draft, instead they steal your book, and it's story. They then publish it under their name, take all the money and never speak of you again. You then find out that your book is doing well and that it's famous and all that. But the "authors" of that book don't even mention you. You then either kill yourself in guilt that you lost something you spent most of your life making, or you try to sue them, fail, then kill yourself. Don't trust any of those sites, that's what I'm saying. Do your research on a website before doing anything on it. Or, take the risk of something bad happening. I didn't take that risk, nor did I have the money that the websites asked for. Yeah, all of them asked for at least $1000. So they would have possibly stollen my book and money if I had all they wanted. Oh, no internet. Well I like this song nonetheless. Though I wish I found the Neebs Gaming cover of it. The song I'm listening too is Take Me Home, Country Roads. The song that played during all the Fallout 76 trailers. I want to play that game so bad! But I can't! Fallout 76 came out today. Today was launch for it, and I want ot play it so bad. Yet I can't for we don't have any money.
I have to get back to the character sheet. I'll see y'all leter, alright? Great! Bye!

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