September 22nd 2017 6:11 pm

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the past few days were...they were...odd. i use that word very sparingly. yesterday was...was not good, it leaned on the horribly terrible side for most of it. until the parade. i was really dehydrated yesterday and the day before that. all the while talking to Jannessa. so i don't really want to talk about it, but i don't really remember it anyway. but all i'm saying is that the psychotic Kevin decided to, take control. and well he did it. at first i know he was going to push Jannessa away, for good. Other Kevin stopped him, but he didn't want to say anything about psychotic Kevin to Jannessa, he didn't want to say anything that could have scared her. so he said, he's not doing so good. as in me, Original Kevin, though just call me Kevin. if you randomly shout out, "Hi Original Kevin!" when you see me, well people are going to look at you strangely. so for a small while Other Kevin was in control. got home, he had a small conversation with Jannessa. next day (yesterday) it was all psychotic Kevin. and i'll tell you what, when i got home yesterday i had ten cups of water. they flushed psychotic Kevin away and i came in control. then i had to go to a parade for homecoming for JROTC. then things happened. today i played Pikaball, in JROTC. today was our PT (Physical Training) day, but we played a game, Pikaball. we basically through a Pikachu around. i got rammed in the face by two people, or one, it felt like a truck anyway. anywho, i'm done for today. see you later i guess.

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