September 26th 2018 7:00 pm A Different Style Of Storywriting

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Okay, so I had an idea the other day that was fleshed out this morning. What if I was not good at writing? Well doing all 353 of these Updates would make me good at writing. I mean what if I was not good at writing from the beginning? Like if you were to go back to the very first Update and read it now you can tell that my skills at writing have gotten much better. Anyway, going on the topic I was already talking about, what if I was no good at writing, like writing an entire book. What if instead of writing I was really good at drawing. Not cartoony drawing, I mean like a good drawing. I could draw things in a 3D like fashion, I could draw something I see, and I could draw well in many otehr ways. But at the same time I wanted to make this story of Pure Energy. My first thought was making a graphic novel, cough cough, manga, cough cough. And after that I make an anime-like thing on the YouTube, like RWBY. But I would be the only one to be making the anime. Anyway, what if I was good at drawing and not writing? If I were to make an anime like thing on YouTube then I would need proper recording equipment for the voices, and people to do the voices. I wouldn't be able to pay them so then it would be harder to get people to do it, they would have to be doing it out of the kindness in their hearts and not expect anything but my graditud in return. And I would have to do the animations all by myself as well. Wow, why don't I try to discourage myself. Well, if I had a job then I would pay everyone that helped, I'd do it too. Even though it would cost me. Anyway, the reason why I thought of this was how anime does certain things. Like how some anime reveal something. Like how someone dies in an anime. Or when something unexpected happens, like someone that was dead suddenly alive again. Of course I would go to Naruto and Naruto Shippuden for examples, both of which involves death. What I'm saying is that no character is safe from death, not even the main character in my books. Anyway, things like that. Sudden reveals is one great thing about anime that I really love. Yes, some anime don't do so well when they are trying for a surprise reveal and others are amazing at it. There are other great things about anime, the fact that they tend to gather big audenices. Look at ComiCon or any other nerd like event in the world. A lot of people dress up and coslay as their favorite characters from anime, video games, or an franchise. Though you wont be seeing a lot of movie things or book related characters. Only TVshows that have a large fanbase or any anime or video game. Another great thing about anime is that it can go on for a longer time then a book seriers, it would take a much longer time, but it would last longer. And anime on YouTube spread like wildfire, well, certain anime or animations, like RWBY. Unlike books, which the only hope to have a good selling book is if the author just so happens to be in the right time and place, or such as myself, have a big amount of subscribers, make an ad about my book on my channel, like a 3 minute thing and see how well it does. I won't be publiching any stupid video thats like "Read my book or you aren't a true fan" or "My book will change the world" or any other title that would guilt trip a veiwer that really likes my channel or a clickbait video. I'd probably title the add something like "OH hey, I wrote a book" I would have also talked about the book a lot in the recent videos unlike most other YouTubers that write books. They don't mention a thing about it and they just drop it down on their viewers in one small or long video. Anyone with half a brain can see that that isn't the best way to go about it. Most of those books don't sell well, mainly becuase they are all about the YouTuber's "success" as a YouTuber. A million subcribers, really? You call that success? Sorry, anyway doing it like that isn't good. Sure those YouTubers then posted following videos and talked about their books, or making a video about how they made thier book or something like that.
I would have like a month or two where I did mention the book then I'd make the ad about my book and then mention it for another few weeks then I'd stop. I wouldn't mention it in every video, no if I where to do that then my audience would not want to read it because I would have made them bored from it from talking about it too much. I'd mention it at least twice maybe three times a week. Maybe just once if I mention it more than I should have the past week. In the ad for my book I would say that it isn't about me, it's about an actual story. It's not a book about me or what I havve done. It's fiction and will remain that way. I'd simply say that it is just a book about this, and this is what's going on, and something else about the book and how it is not me. I might just read like the Prolouge as a small teaser.
I'm getting off topic.
What do you mean, I've been off topic for a while now.
Sorry, a little bit of something for the laughs I guess what that was for.
Aaaaanyway. Doing an anime on the YouTube does has a high risk high reward type deal. A high risk becuae it could go unseen by everyone for months, years even. Basically if it never picks up then it would have been a waste of my time so I would then stop doing it. High reward being if the anime blows up and spreads across the world that is YouTube. It would then have an large audience, and a big income of money. That money would then be put to assistants for the animation and drawing of the anime, and people to do the voices. To save money I would most likely have all the people that help with drawing and animating the anime do a voice or two in it. Sure I would pay them a little more than everyone else for their help but I would save more money by doing that. YouTube itself is a high risk, high reward situation. Sure if you do it long enough you will eventually surpass 1 million subscribers, but depending on how long that happens determines if you will do well. Their are channels out on the plain of YouTube that is nothing but clickbait and for that they get a whole lot of money because of the amount of views on the video, and their are the channels that spend so much time on their videos to make them good and they either do well on YouTube or they do badly because no one wants to see what they have to do. Then there are the really good people at YouTube, they have a talent for making people laugh, cry, and be overall happy on a rainy day. These people are like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, are many more. And some of these people deserve a lot of subscribers, such as 8bitRyan, CoryxKenshin, NeebsGaming, and many more. And then their are those that don't deserve the amount of subscribers, I don't really know many YouTubers that don't, but those that do tend to have a lot of subscribers and they only make stupid videos. At the start it will have something that is interesting and the entire video is boring andd full of nothingness and stuidity. Then they get into a stupid traingle of clickbait and hate between YouTubers, which would then get them more viewers and more subscibers. And there are even more types of YouTubers. All of which have something going for them and something not. The problem is determining what kind of YouTuber they are. That can be hard or very easy to do.
Got off topic again, what is with me today?
Where was I? Oh yeah, high risk high reward. I explained that already though. Do you get why I brought this up? If you don't I'll tell you why. It's because I won't to tell my story like an anime, and writing a book like an anime doesn't quite work. Trust me, I tried. But I'm no good at drawing, I can barely draw a stick figure correctly that's how bad I am at drawing. But I'm there is a Kevin out in the multiverse. A Kevin that is good at drwing and wants to write the same story I'm making. And has gone through the same things I have. And I'm sure that he is doing his best to make his dream a reality. So you know what, I will do the same. I will write my book and do all I can to make it known to the world. I'll write till my very last breath if I have to. I make that promise to you. I know I will do it, and if I don't, then I will make it hapen.

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