October 6th 2017 3:51 pm Or OK for short

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Hello. I am not the normal Kevin, for I am Other Kevin. Or OK for short. But you can also call me Other, or just Kevin. But I'd rather you call me OK. Yes, I know only one person reads this journal.  Jannessa. But I'm one for always introducing myself when I'm talking. The Kevin you expect to make an update, well, he isn't doing so well. In his words. Life squatted over him and took a big dumb on him. Or should I translate​ that to normal teenager speak. Life shat on him, excuse my language. Well, that and he has been both angry and very sad all day. Only showing his anger when he was peeved. Like at the start of algebra class. When he dropped his backpack and stomped on it. He showed his sadness when he was reading. In all he turned the page three times. Kevin read a total 5 pages in Lord of the Rings. His usual is 12 pages, at minimum. The other day he read a total 40 pages. Kevin loves reading. But he loves writing more, but not as much as Jannessa. Whoops forgot my oath to Kevin. "I will never say how much you like Jannessa, nit in any way, shape, or form." Well, I will restart now. Now anyway, I will tell you why I am the one "in control" for the next few days. You see, Kevin, after learning that the answer to his question was most likely a no last night, lost all of his hope for anything and seemed to have wanted to die, more than usual. But early this morning before he left for school he thought of a question that raised his hopes, back to where they were yesterday, but in third mod when he saw what you said Jannessa, all his new found hope left him again. And so he was crying, deep inside, all day. Now, I'm not trying to have you, Jannessa, skip your thing on the 18th, no matter how much I would like to see that great smile on Kevin's face again. But I only ask that you to see if you can, but this is a weak request, so you don't even need to ask anyone anything. You don't need to promise me anything either. But it will be a long while until Kevin even thinks about smiling again. I am not trying to make you feel guilty for anything. And just so you know I'm telling the truth, I will tell you something that Kevin would never tell you, Jannessa, or anyone in that matter, ever in this life, or the next. He once, and only once, masterbaited because of you, and that was early on last summer. Very early. He hasn't done it since then, and sorry if that was too personal information, but sometimes to get to know one better is to know one of their deepest secrets.
Anyway, fairwell thy traveler, and I bid you good travels.

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