June 19th 2018 7:11 am Going Crazy

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Okay. I am really freaking mad! About a week ago, Spotify updated, making it unuseable on my tablet. So for over a week I have been without music. And that is driving me freaking crazy! Today. Goodle Docs updates, and now that is unuseable on my tablet! What the freak! I use those two apps mmore than any other app I could download. And since this tablet is not like all of your phones and tablets and your whatevers I can not get rid of the last update. I don't know if you CAN do that, but according to Mom she can do that with both of her phones. I highly doubt that's a thing, but if it so true. Well, I'm just really freaking mad. Now I can't write. I can't listen to music. Next whats going to happen, the only way I can even talk to anyone won't work? Nowing how things happen, that is what is going to happen. Uhg, I'm practically smashing in my spacebar on Typkey. I named my bluetooth keyboard Typkey. (Tip-key for those of you that want to pronouce it right.) My keyboard has been named Typkey almost the entire time I've had it. Ahhh! It was going so well. I was really in the mood to write. And I knew exactly what to do! Syn, dann da! I'm so angry I'm even typing in Ancient Ashferian. Syn is the ruler of the demon realm in Ashenfere. I said "Syn, damn it". Now I can't write, well type, I can't listen to music to help myself focus, or calm myself in times like this. This absolutly sucks. Losing two apps that I use in my day-to-day life. It feels like I lost two pieces to my soul. It is honeslty really painful. If Docs continues to not work I can't publish the first Pure Energy book on time. I can use the computer, that would be effieciant. But if I were to do that I would have to do it at night. But I don't go on the computer at night unless if I've been asked to wake Mom up in the morning. And that never happens anymore. And I don't go on the computer a lot. Once every few days. I prefer to watch the Youtubes on my tablet, because Bruce can't stand over me and watch over my shoulder and have his stink fill my nose.
Why does this all happen to my?

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