October 6th 2018 5:15 am Zombies Theater Mode

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I'm sorry for earlier. I mean, I'm sorry for what I was saying earlier. I was just...so mad. From now on I plan to keep most, if not all, bad things out of these Updates. Though that would further constrict how I express myself, but I don't like expressing myself towards the bad in me. I'd rather keep myself away from that darkness. Anyway, I'm watching myself play Zombies. Confused? Yeah, I was hoping for that. It just means that I can explain something to use my time. So when you play Call of Duty 3 Zombies and you are online, the game sort of records that game or games of Zombies. So you can watch yourself and study what you did and correct that mistake another time, or if you are someone who makes videos on the internet and like to make cool shots like a movie you can do that. See, there is an option to pick in the Zombies mode lobby, it is the Theater option. Whenever you play a game of Zombies and want to watch it that is how. And in Theater mode you can switch from three different type of cameras. First, third, or free cam. First means that you watch in first-person view.
Well, that was a long poo break.
Anyway, the third option lets you view it in third-person veiw. So the camera would be following behind one of the players. And the free cam option is my favorite, it allows you to move the camera anywhere that the players can get to. It allows for easy and amazing shots for videos, which is what I would do. I think a siad before that when and if I make videos and YouTube that a large part of my channel would be CoD Zombies. If not, well now you know. But I will mostly put my hand into a lot of different games. But I will play as many Call of Duty Zombies as I can. And the main objective will to do the main easter egg of a map. So you can expect to see Origins there. When and if I do make CoD Zombies videos I plan on switching the camera from first to free. Mainly so I can make a good video. And in theater mode I can switch to other player's perspective, so I won't have to ask for someone else's video footage. Which then makes it easier on me. Most likely the Zombies videos will be in one big one, or cut up into multiple videos, which I will most likely not do. I mean, you play a CoD Zombies game in one sit down, not two or three. So most likely I will have one to two, maybe even three hour videos just for one map. Not kidding. Yes I will cut some parts of it out, like the boring parts where nothing is going on. Like when we keep a single zombie alive for like twenty minutes just to do one thing. Most of that time will be cut out so the video doesn't get too boring before the fun part of it happens.
As an example of a Zombies video when I go down I would cut to another player's view as the revive me or survive as I bleed out. And when they are reviving me Iwould cut to free cam mode and have a sky veiw as I get up or when the zombies surrond me and the player reviving me. Though no worry, I will do the same thing when another player goes down. I will often switch the veiw to another player's so the video doesn't get borring, which it can when you are only watching one player's veiw. Well, for me anyway. That's why I like channel's like Stumpt and Neebs Gaming. They switch the veiw of the game often so the viewers can see when else is going on. Thus peaking the viewers interest when the video is getting boring. Making them continue to watch until the very end of the video. It's a good way to get watch time. And the fact that I would put so much time into the video it would possibly make more people subscribe to me. Though that is is just a hypothosis, and one that I want to test. Really I can't wait until I can make videos. The earlier I start the more money I make when I'm 18.
Don't worry, I won't be in it only for the money. I just mean that if I start now and when I turn 18 I will have more subscirbers thatn if I start YouTube when I'm 18, thus making my income larger than then too. Really the only things that I will use my money for is getting better equipment for recording, new games for new videos, and for books when I start to publish them on something other than the internet (though it is just in case), and various otherthings to help out my life. I need a job and I need to buy a capture card (that allows me to record my footage on the Playstation and Xbox), though when I get that I then need a headset and I need to find out how to record my audio for commentary while I'm playing that game. Though I know I can use discord, for that is what most YouTubers are using now. I just need to learn how to record that at the same time as when I'm playing a game.
Anyway I'm going to end this so I can play Origins. See you later I suppose.

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