October 27th 2018 11:43 am "I can only hold on to Hope"

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Today is Mah's birthday. I said happy birthday to her. And I am back here, in my bed, watching bruce play Destiny 2, while I procrastinate making a dungeon that will never even see the light of day. I know this becuase DnD here has become...something not worth the air. Only bruce really wants to play it, but he wants to grind, enter tounaments, and marry every girl he sees. I mostly want to restart or start a new campaign. I don't want to play with bruce. I hate playig with bruce. And now he is the only one that wants to play. I'd rather quit and go back to where I belong. In my bed, writing my book, listening to music, not watching the world he built for DnD be turned into someone elses video game that I hate. I don't want to put Ashenfere through the pain of being convertered to a world that I could escape to, into a world I'm scared to enter. I don't want it to go through that pain. And I'm trying my best not to have it go through that pain, but I know my efforts to try and save Ashenfere are useless. Soon Ashenfere will not be mine to build, it will only be a tool for others to break. I don't want it to go through that pain. The only way that I can possibly save it is to either restart the campaign with new characteres, or get a fourth person who sees my vision for Ashenfere, and for this story, and they will not change it. Unlike bruce, who is trying his best to make it like his stupid game. I don't really care who this person would be, but I only hope that they are a good person, rather than jerky, like my brother. Like now, bruce is calling Destiny 2 bs, only because he rammed into an explosive barrel with his speeder. I watched him do it and he aimed for it and didn't try to get around it. Sure, blame the game. When you should really blame yourself for that death that didn't matter. Anyway, I just hope that there will be this fourth person, and they won't try to make the world that I have been brewing for over 6 years into their own world. Or try to make my Pure Energy world their own, which I have been making for 10 years, most of my life I had this story, a story that I am still planning out completely, a world that keeps evolving with each new thing. I just hope that I might find another person to play DnD with, though the chances are not, but I can only hold on to hope. If I don't, then I'm quitting as DM.

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