September 17th 2018 8:33 pm

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It took me a bit, but I have no realized a few things. All of which corelate to yesterday's Update.
Thing number 1: I said that I wasn't going to say what Jannessa told me, and I ended up saying it anyway. I'm so stupid doing that.
Thing number 2: Why I felt terrible for writing in my book. I think I said that I was writing a sad thing, well, that doesn't really make me feel terrible. What I really wrote was a death scene. Not telling you which book, it could be in the 2nd book all that way up to the 6th one, or some of the side stories that I do plan on making and have already started on those. But this death scene was detailed, down to every breath. Every little bit of detail that I could think of I put in it. And then I wrote for a little longer, having that character go through a terrible experiance, and even watching them die. That makes me feel like a horrible person. "But Kevin, isn't writing that stuff normal for a book that has fights in it?" You may be asking. And you'd be right. Explaining how someone dies is normal, well, if the character that you are following is watching that person die. "Well if it is normal to write out how a person died then why do you feel like a horrible person?" You could have also asked. Well it's just who I am. I don't like putting my characters through things like that. Having the person they love die in their arms, and having to deal with the guilt inside them that says that they could have helped them if they were only a few seconds faster. Or if they had gotten better at their abilities. I don't really like writing things like that, and yet I'm slightly good at it. I don't like reading about it, watching things like it, yet they show the character going through things like this. Let's look at Naruto. Naruto grew up as an orphan. Minato and Kushina gave thier lives all so Naruto would live when the Nine Tails attacked the Hidden Leaf Village. But when you learn how they died is when it. Minato could have saved Naruto from the Nine Tails attack by himself, even though he was almost out of chalkra, but Kushina jumped in to protect Naruto too. I get it, that tells you how much they love thier son. But if Kushina had only stayed back and not jumped in front of the attack then she would have lived, and so would Naruto. Minato would still have died and all, and Naruto would still have gotten the Nine Tails sealed up inside of him, but if Kushina had not jumped in front of the attack then Naruto would have grown up with one of his parents and not alone and having everyone mad at him because he had the Nine Tails inside of him. Though if Kushina did live then we wouldn't have are current Naruto. Don't get me wrong I love this Naruto, but it makes you think, "What if the Nine Tails had not attacked? How would it affect the story of Naruto?" Well for one Naruto would not have the Nine Tails in him know what? I'm not going to talk about that. I'm sure there are plenty of stories on the internet that tells you how his life would have changed if one or both of his parents lived the attack and Naruto still having the Nine Tails or not having the Nine Tails inside of him.
I forgot what the third thing was. It is so like me to talk about Naruto, anyway, I guess that would be all for now.

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