August 14th 2018 5:32 pm

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Okay, so last night when I was doing my normal thing (which is pacing either in the living room or kitchen) I thought of something. Well, it wasn't strictly last night, but I did come up with something. It involves the story I talked about yesterday, The Shadow of Adventure. I thought of a way to bring it into my Pure Energy universe. I hear you sighing a regretful sigh, DON'T THINK i CAN'T HEAR IT! Sorry, I'm really lonely. Saturday please come quickly. Anyway, so I though of how to bring that book into my Pure Energy universe. I don't know where it will go in the timeling, but right now it fits in-between the third book (BOTP B3) and the fourth (WOTP B1). But if it comes there then I will have to be careful how to write it to make sure I don't have any big spoilers for the main story. But if it will be a prequel to the main story then I wouldn't have to be as careful, though I would have to put it right. Either way it will fit. I already know how the book ends and such, so it fits either between the two parts or as a prequel.
Speaking of the main story I believe Book 1 will come out some time late December or early January. I work slowly. Not kidding. I hardly get through three pages a day when I'm going through it to make sure it's good to be let out so you can read it. Book 2, well I stopped writing it so I could edit Book 1. I'm editing Book 1 while writing The Shadow of Adventure. Not to mention I have other books to plan and write. Well, I'm also writing Book 4, though I only go onto that when I am thinking of a way to continue Book 2. But I haven't writtin in Book 4 for a little over a month so everything should be fine.
Oh yeah! I was also think of actually starting a YouTube channel. It will mostly be gaming, but as time goes on it will adopt more branches, like making small short videos, maybe some stop motion, and some other neat things. I also thought of something, though it would have to be a live stream type thing. And it is an origianl idea ( least I hope so)! I would have to do it when I have a decent amount of Subcribers though. See, the idea is that when I get a good amount of Subcribers, I'm thinking at least a thousand, then it would at least work well. See, basically I will be writing stories live, but here is what is so great about it. Those watching the Livestream will be the ones making the story. The rules are simple. I will be watching the chat of the livestream, and if I see any good ideas then I will start writing about it, the one who made the idea will get the credit, but I will be the one writing. Once I start writing the story it can only be stopped by three possible options. 1: the story is ended. 2: the story is going no where so I decide to stop it. 3: when it reaches a certin point of words. 4: if I have to stop the Livestream. Yes I know i said three, but i came up with that third one on the fly. I don't really know if this is the best of ideas or anything, but if it goes well then that would be awsome. And just think of it. If I do become a "famous" Youtuber, like at least a million Subcribers, then just think of all the possibilties for a story, and the glee on someones face when their story is written by an author. Ki gutt ti mut. Sorry, spoke in Ancient Ashferian again. And what I said is a complete secret. I should make like a little book thing so you can find out what I'm saying when I speak in the, "Tongue of the Ancients." And that would be what the Dictionatry will be called. I'll work on that eventually, maybe. Geez, I have my hands full. Well, not just my hands, I'm like knee deep in projects that I have. I have the ones you know about, ones that I'm working on on the sidelines, then a secret one.
Anyway might as well end it here. I have books to write, and songs to listen too. Bye!

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