October 4th 2017 4:29 pm Decisions

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i've made some Decisions. some Decisions that to you might seem strange. but to me, it means kind of means a lot. first decision was that my book, the Battle of the Pures. yeah, that one is now gone. well, actually i unpublished it. i want to fix it from being an unfinished skeleton, to a full bodied book. the second decision is that from now on i will only make at most two updates a day. i've noticed a pattern. that sometimes in the third update in a single day i goes sour. like the last time i made three updates a day which was two days ago, i think. the first two were fine, then in the third one i started saying that the only reason Jannessa even talked to me was because of a bet and that she would only say no to my question. both of those are untrue. so to save me and you from witnessing another failure of my mind there will only be at most two updates a day. never three. but that doesn't mean i'll make at least one update a day. third decision is to try as best i can to stop getting angry in gym. because of miles (i said i would never capitalize that name, and i will never do it). everyday it's the same stupid idiot. and it angers me, well by me, i mean the Evil Kevin. since we started Volleyball everyday my right eye has twitched whenever he speaks, to me. and the eye twitch is the first sign if Evil Kevin emerging. the second sign is when my right arm starts to move randomly. i don't remember if there was a third sign, but if it is, i think it might be the last sign of him emerging. and after that, Evil Kevin will probably take control, and beat the ever living poop out of him. i'm not going to say the fourth and finale decision, i just don't want to. anyway, bye, and i hope you have and had a good day. now then...

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