September 28th 2018 3:43 am "One of the weirdest dreams to date"

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Okay, so I just had one of the weirdest dreams to date, that I have had. Hi, Runner, kitty. You love my blanket? Just please don't rip it. It's my only one. Sorry, I moved out to the living room couch to write this Update and Runner kitty came up to me and started streching his claws (I think that is what cats do when the scratch at something when they push and pull thier paws with their claws out) in my blanket. I love Runner kitty, and he loves me, or at least he loves my blanket. He's purring. Awww, so cuute!
Sorry, Runner kitty is adorable. Anyway, so the dream I just had, like not even ten minutes ago, the dream was weird, but it wasn't weird weird, like where something random keeps happening. I mean the basis of this dream was weird and would go well for a book, of course I would change somethings about it, obviously one of the main parts of the dream. Sorry, go off track of what I was talking about. Can you clean yourself a little queiter, Runner? No? Sorry.
Anyway, so the dream had me in it, like most of my dreams. So it had me in it, but I wasn't me. Who was me was Jannessa. Don't get it? Well really Jannessa and I switched bodies. Not on purpose or by accident. Really I have no idea how, but we didn't do it knowingly. The dream mostly followed me, and I'll tell you, Jannessa's house in the dream looked a lot like the house I used to live in before we moved into this trailer. Anyway. So basically I woke up in her bed, not knowing that I was her, and the first thing that I noticed was that I was not in my bed. I did not have my white headphones on that were playing anime openinings or Starset, or Imagine Dragons. I had a few questions, one of which was, "Was I abducted by aliens? Oh please don't let their be a face hugger." That was that full thought, yeah, I remember a lot about this dream. The second thing that I noticed was that the first thing that I saw was not a turned TV and an alarm clock that was saying 2:46 in the afternoon. I did see an alarm clock, but it said 6:30 in the morning, the time that I fall asleep. So I knew that I was not abducted by aleins, thank Light, but I did not know I was dreaming, it felt real, like really really real. Anyway after looking around the room I knew it was not mine, so my next thought was, "Have I been asleep for that long? Or do I just not remember the last few years of my life?" Not kidding, those were the exact thoughts. Then I looked at my hand. I instantly noticed that it was not mine. It was smaller and noticibly cleaner than mine, not saying that I don't wash my hands, I mean that there was no dirt under the nails. My foot is asleep, wake up please. Thank you. Anyways, so I then looked at my body, instantly seeing that it wasn't mine. It was bigger and it had a pa...yeah, I'm not going to say that. Anyway, I knew that it was not mine from the moment I saw it. I had no idea where, or who I was. Making me rethink the last thought I had. The not remembering one.
After a few minutes I found a phone and picked it up and looked at myself in the reflection of the dark screen. And without any second thought Ik knew that I was in Jannessa's body. I will never forget her face. Anyway, so I then thought, "If I'm in Jannessa's body, then where is Jannessa?" Then someone came in the room, I can only suspect that is was one of Jannessa's family, for I've never seen them and in the dream I remember them having a grey blured head and body. They said, "Get up, it's time for you to go to school." Their voice was rather rude and demanding, and was both a male's and female's voice.
I was confused and said, "I'm up, I think." the think part was added under my breath. I didn't want whoever that was to know something was wrong with me. So I got up, kept the clothes that Jannessa was sleeping in on, which were normal everyday clothes and a backpack filled with things for school and left. I didn't know what classes I were in or where I was in the school for everytime I went through a door I was in the next classroom. In each of the classrooms were normal people, not mass of grey blurs like the person that told me to go to school. I didn't pay attention in any of the short five minute classes. Instead of was trying me best to see a landmark of some kind to tell me where I was. But I saw nothing. Just a street, cars, houses, even more houses. Nothing even gave me a hint to where I was. So during the thirty or so lunch break I pulled out Jannessa's phone to see where I was. I didn't do this before, for I didn't know if it had a pin or password to unlock it, or if it was like my tablet, which all you need to do is press the home or power button and it will bring you to the home screen. Anyway so I pressed the home button and was happy to see that it did not have a pin or password. It just brough me to the home screen. So I then went to Google Maps to find out where I was. I don't know where my dream put me, for that was also a grey blur. I then looked at how far I was from home, my home, not Jannessa's. It was far away, a one and a half hour walk. I then looked at the time and it was only 12:25. "If I hurry I can make it there in time before I-Jannessa wakes up." That was my immedait thought. I stood up from the table and hurried out of the cafateria. Hoping that no one saw me leave. Thankfully no one did. I then left the school and ran to where my home was. It took me around two hours to get here, but I got here nonetheless. Without doing anything I went up to the front door and knocked on it. The door almost instantly opened and I saw Mah. "Hello, can I help you?" She had asked me. I almost said, "Mom, it's me, Kevin!" But then I remembered that I was not in my body, I was in Jannessa's. So I thought quickly and spoke. "I need to see Kevin." Those were my exact words.
Mah looked at me weirdly and spoke, "Well, Kevin is asleep, but I can tell him that you were here when he wakes up." She said.
"No." I said. "I need to see him now!" I demanded. I even stomped my foot in hopes that Mah would indeed let me in. I knew that I did not give her much of anything, or even my name, but I knew that I had to talk to Jannessa, who I hoped would be in my body. I didn't know if there was a group of people that got mixed around and I just so happened to have landed in Jannessa's body.
"Okay, but who are you?" Mah asked me.
"I'm his friend, Jannessa." I said without thinking. I didn't know if this was the best way to do it, but I had to make sure who was in side my body if it was not Jannessa.
"Oh." Mah said as she let me in. I stepped inside and stopped myself from going left to where my room was. It would look strange if Jannessa already knew where my room was, so I looked at Mah. "Oh, Kevin's room is that way." Mah said as she pointed left. I nodded my thanks and quickly made my way to where my body was. As I passed the fridge I could already here the sounds of blades being swung around, so I knew that James was playing Dark Souls III. I stepped into my room and looked around, as if it was my first time there. I received a confused look from Bruce, but I shook that away. I looked at myself in the mirror from the bathroom, which the door for was wide open. I took in what I looked like. A dark pink shirt a and light blue jeans. I shook my head and looked at my body. I was reliefed to see it moving up and down slowly. My body was still breathing so that meant that it was still alive and that whoever was in my body was also not dead. I heard the sound that meant that James had sat down at a bonfire in his game. "Who are you?" I heard him ask.
I almost said Kevin, again, but I stopped myself and said, "Kevin's friend." I looked at my sleeping body once more. My hair was allover the place. I thought to myself, "Is that what my hair looks like when I'm sleeping?" I shook my head to stop myself from thinking and poked my body's forehead. I hated waking people up, and I still hate it. After that my body rolled over to the right. My head facing up to the ceiling. "How rude. You'd think that if Jannessa was waking me up I'd wake up right away, and not turn away like she was nothing." I thought to myself. I poked myself again, hoping to wake up whoever was in my body, though that did not work. My body turned back over to where I was and I saw my eyes slowly open.
I could see in my eyes tiredness and confusion. "Why am I looking at myself?" I heard myself say. My voice was quiet and tired. "I'm dreaming right?" I asked myself (I as in my body, and myself as in the me that is in Jannessa's body. Confusing, I know.)
"Well, at least that tells me that Jannessa is in my body." I thought. Jannessa than sat up and looked at what time it was. I grabbed her right arm and said, "Don't think, just come outside with me." Jannessa looked more confused but she nodded. I looked passed her and grabbed the hoodie that she was laying on. "And put this on." I said. Jannessa was still confused, but did it anyway. She put on my black Under Armor hoodie. I helped her out of my bed and pulled her to the front door after I told her to put on my shoes, which were sitting at the bottom of the bed. She did so and I pulled her to the front door and left. I pulled her to one of the green yard chairs that were in the yard. "Would you care for a seat?" I asked. "Because what I'm going to say will most likely shock you." Jannessa looked even more confused, but sat down anyway.
Before I spoke she said, "Where am I and why am I looking at myself?"
I breathed in before answering. "You are in my body and I am in yours. Anyway, hello, I'm Kevin, and it's nice to meet you, though this is deffinatly not what I imagined to happen for us to actually talk in person." I said. Jannessa then looked at herself and back at me. Still confused. "I'm StolenGiant." I said as she looked at her hands.
Jannessa then looked at me with sudden realizm. "What?" She asked.
"Yes, I'm that Kevin." I said as I crossed my legs and arms. "Luckly I got here before you woke up, or they would have seen you acting weird. And I don't want them to think anything is wrong with me, well, right now you." I said as I heard a soft growl. I knew that it was my stomach.
"Why am I so hungry?" Jannessa asked as she placed both of her hands over her stomach.
"Probably the fact that I didn't eat anything since lunch two days ago." I said as I looked up. I was then sticken with a sudden horror I hoped that I would not have to face.
"Why haven't you eaten since the-Kevin, what's wrong?" Jannessa asked.
I looked down to where my thighs were. "Eventually I'll need to use the bathroom." I said.
"You'll see my-get out of my body!" Jannessa yelled as she stood up in anger.
"Yes, I've been trying to think about how we would do that." I said.
"How long do you think that will take?" She asked in fear. She clearly did not want me to see her...skip that word. Neither did I. And even if I were to I would prefer to when we were much much older and under very different circumstances.
"I don't know. Given the fact that I don't know anything about this, it will most likely take at least a two weeks, well, maybe a month." I said.
"A month!" Jannessa shouted. "I can't be stuck here for a month! I have my own things to do!"
"And I have a book I plan to publish and give to you in December. We're both stuck in each other's bodies for the time being. So we should get use to our new surroundings and what we have now have to do." I said.
Jannessa looked surprised. "Do you really plan on giving me your book?" She asked.
"Yeah, an actual book with pages and a cover." I said as I stood up. "But right now that doesn't look like an option, given our current situation. I can't write my book and give it to you if I'm you." I said.
"Oh..." Jannessa said as she sat back down.
"Something wrong? Well, something other than the obvious?" I asked.
Jannessa shook her head in response.
I didn't really believe her, but I took her word for it.
And with that I woke up in my bed. I looked at my hand almost instantly. I made sure that it was my hand and not Jannessa's. I sighed with relief as I saw that it was mine, not her's. I then knew that I had to tell you about my dream and here we are. You just read my weird dream. Have a good day.

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