August 14th 2017 8:49 pm

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finally, time to make an update. yes i have updates from the school day, but they are written on paper, yes i will convert them to these updates. i'll tell you now, today wasn't the best start to a school year. all of my starts are terrible, but i never broke a promise on one. yes i broke the promise i made to Jannessa that i would help her find her classes. i looked for her, don't get me wrong i wanted to keep it, but i was slowly giving up inside, and, well, i gave up. here, just read for yourself.

August 14th 2017 9:50 am
i am a...i'm a moron who had his chance to help Jannessa, but was too shy to help. instead i just said "Hi" and kept walking. she smiled at me when i said hi. i broke my promise...
good start to the school year.

August 14th 2017 10:35 am
the odds of something good happening now are slim at best. i screwed up big this tike today. everyone around is eating, me? i prefer no food. i'm alone, sitting alone. and i can't stop thinking about Jannessa. i keep hearing, "You failed her! You failed her!" i want to say it's small, but it's not. nothing has been so loud and dominant. i'm sitting at a table in a corner, the closest people to me are in a booth. i want to say i didn't Jannessa, but everything is saying i did. wonderful, just...wonderful.

yep. the second one is from lunch and is going to be the longest one for a while. all the updates from lunch will be long, but i don't think they'll be as long as that one, well at least not for a while. and sorry this one is being posted later than it should be, but Krystal's kids were over. and well, came to me. i'm fine with it, just i'm sick. when i got home i was light headed, then i had to do the dishes. and i'm saying now, i puked a few times in my mouth. after ditching that i laid down, took a nap, which i rarely ever do. and i woke up thirty minutes after when Krystal came over with her kids, and her baby. yes she has a baby, and the baby is so cute. but not as cute as...

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