August 5th 2017 11:15 am

12 0 0

Kevin's update yesterday was going to go on for a longer time, but Kevin got angry. so before Kevin could pull a Kevin, Kevin decided to stop the update before Kevin could do something stupid.
the name's of these journal/dairy things are going to be not good ones. some may be good, others will be way worse, but Kevin can tell you one thing. Kevin will name each one how Kevin sees Kevin.
if Kevin starts ranting, it's because he is angry.
so the other day when Krystal's kids were over here, i was in charge of them, by that, Kevin means, i had to be the one to do what they wanted. and at one point they found my legos, and tore apart everything. all of my hard work gone because three little bratty kids came in. and it gets worse. they started asking if they could have my stuff. like two of them asked me if they could have my sword. all three of them asked me if they could have all my legos. all of them, and they are hard to come by. because no one in this house likes legos, all but Kevin, the one they all hate, so you can think of why they are hard to come by. and they asked for my entire Pokemon card collection, which was well hidden from them. and yes i collect Pokemon cards, come on, i know you want to yell at me, just do it, thank you for that rude insult, i'll add it to the others. you done yelling know? no? okay, i'll give you one more minute.... you done yet? is it all out of your system? yes? good. what? i can't play a card game that doesn't involve kings or queens? well i'm still going to collect Pokemon cards. well when i have my own money. and they asked for more stuff, all of them were no's and i made sure they didn't take anything. they are spoiled, if they asked for pretty much everything in my room, sorry, this room that i sleep in. not kidding, they asked for pretty much everything, including my tablet.
what?! no, no no no no. no one gets anything of mine, that's something for and if i have kids. but this tablet!? no! what the hell is wrong with you three!? first you come here and start messing things up, then you come in my room and make a huge mess all over the floor,which is where i sleep! then you don't even bother to clean it up! then you star waving my sword all over the place, making an even bigger mess! then you find my legos! you then tear apart everything i built so you can make whatever it is you want to! then you make an even bigger mess on the floor! all the while asking me for things! including my brother's Xbox 360!? you three are truly spoiled, snot-nosed, unkind, annoying, brats who don't even care about someone elses stuff! WHAT THE HELL!?!?
sorry for yelling...if i do end up having kids or a kid one day i will make sure that they are not spoiled brats. like the three kids that made everything worse here. i'm happy i made the decision of not having them enter my world in minecraft. i can just imagine what they could have done with my town. next time if they ever come over again i'm making my room off-limits. if they want to come inside the room i sleep in, to freaking bad. sorry for cursing.

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