august 27th 2018 11:26 pm

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i'm sad. i just watch Infinity War, i was not ready. i am not saying anything just in case if you havve not seen it. all i'm saying is that i almost cried. the thing that kept me from crying was something i thought of. it would be the only person who could match Thanos' power, maybe even surpass it. they are Dim, another Pure Being. of course. now i'm saying this. it's not because i favor my character over Thanos. the reason i say Dim would possibly be more powerful than Thanos is because Dim was one of the first Beings of Pure Energy. see, Thanos uses the Infinty Stones to gain his power, Dim needs nothing. see Dim is one of the most powerful characters i've ever made, stronger than Light (life) and Dark (death). the two of them together can't even lay a hand on Dim. and Dark controls the Corrupted. even with the most powerful Corrupted teamed up with Light and Dark they can't get close to Dim. and Light and Dark created all the other Pure Beings, they should at least be able to hit him once. all of the Pure Beings can't hit him, so unlike Thanos (who can be touched) Dim is untouchable. not because i say he can't, it's because of what Dim controls. see, each Pure Being takes their power from the energies of the universe. Blue has courage, Purple has love, Red anger, Light life, Dark death, so okn and so fourth. the more of that energy that is in the universe the more power that Pure Being has. so if every lifeform had an emense sense of courage then Blue would be full of power, and he would be stronger than anything else. but even with that Blue could not touch Dim. why? because Dim means time, and since time streches far and wide, and splits, getting larger and larger nothing can touch him. sure, the green Infinty Stone is the Stone of Time, but that can't match time itself. it may have the abilty to manipulate it, but only if the person weilding it can make it manipulate the stone. all Dim would have to do is think that the gauntlet was never made, and the gaunlet that Thanos wears would dissappear. that is how Dim's power works. Dim just has to think of something and that something would happen. you moght be thinking to yourself, "Well then he wouldn't be fighting Thanos is he could only think and that would kill him." or something like that. sure, Dim can do that, but Dim likes to play with his enemy. even if Thanos were to almost kill Dim, Dim would just rewind time on Dimself and he would be fine and not almost dead, meanwhile Thanos would be out of breath, or something like that. even if Thanos was to use the time stone to make Dim be on Dim's knees it wouldn't work. the stone may be able to manipulate time, but Dim would not fall to Dim's knees. because Dim would not allow it. time is Dim, and Dim is time. the time stone would just be a key to unlocking the powers of time, but time itself controls time. now you might be thinking, "you made that character so you would not cry while you watched Infinity War." or something like that, well you would be wrong. Dim may not be one of the first Pure Beings i've made, but he has been around for at least two months. not a lot of time, but that was long before i watch Infinty War or even learned anything about Thanos. i first learned of what Thanos can do like last month, and what the Infinity Stones can do. one stone for soul, time, power, mind, space, and reality. sure, Thanos may have power over those six things, but only if he has the stones for them. if he were to fight Dim with one stone, Thanose would lose. he would need all six just ot fight him and have a chance. but at that point Dim would know not to play. and Dim is something else when he gets serious. see, the stone of time can't pull things from another timeline. like lets say if Thanos wanted another Thanos to fight with him he can not do that, the reality stone can't do that. Dim can. he can pull things from a different point in time, and from more timelines. though he can't think that. yes i know that was what i said earlier, but there are certain things that he can't thing to happen. if he was to pull something from another timeline he would have to make a portla to another timeline and reach in and pull it out. not literally, but something like it. so in the end if Dim had to he would get an army of Dims to back Dim up (notice i haven't given Dim a gender. why? because i'm keeping most information about Dim a secret). but that is a last resort thing. it would get boring if Dim had to make an army of himself in every battle that Dim was in. anyway. if Thanos was to snap his fingers to kill Dim, Dim would just rewind time on Thanos' left arm, to make it smaller than the gauntlet, making it fall off his arm, and unable to weild. sure, Thanos can just pull a stone out of the gauntlet to continue fighting Dim, but that would leave him open to attack from Dim. sure, i'm making this battle completly in Dim's favor even when Dim is not the best person in my stories, Dim's not good or bad. Dim just sits back and watches the events unfold. Dim can look into the future, but that bores Dim. why see what happens when Dim can just watch it, like a new episode to a TV show when it airs for the first time. no spoilers, just surprises. Dim only intervines if Dim has too. other than that Dim just sits back and is unrelated to everything that is going on in front of Dim. ah, it's getting laggy, it is quite bothersome, i guess i have to end this Update now. Dim is involved in the last Pure Energy book, which is currently titled  No Energy. anyway, bye.

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