November 4th 2018 9:40 am "Duel with Fear"

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Hello there! How are you? Good? Well, at least I hope so. If you are not good, I hope this Update gives you joy, actually, no. It probably will not. yesterday I said that I would write something for you that would be in my normal writing style that you don't see inside these Updates. Such as a portion of my book, or I would just write something of a One-Shot. I chose the first option. I chose one of my favorite chapters from the 1st book, problem is I don't think that it is much of a up lifting part of the book. At least I don't think so. Anyway, so before I write to you the protion of the book I'll catch you up on the events that happened so far in the book.
Kevin Dillis, the main character (Not me, these books are based off a lego game I used to play with my brothers and sisters. Now I only play them. And the main character just happened to be named Kevin. Not kidding, the lego figure I used was named Kevin, like off the box. It was a coincidence) that you follow throughout the book and the following few. He arrives on this never-before-seen island because of other reasons. After adventuring the island for a few days with Jannessa because the pirate captain (Yes, 21st century pirates with boats, who are all based off of Bruce's characters, who were also a pirate crew.) Bruce (Now that one is not a coincidence, Bruce named his character after himself. He should have been like me, or James. My characters names were from the bo they came from, and James named his guy Leaf. Yeah, it was original) who wanted treaure but decided to throw the guy he didn't care for, nor need at the island. Anyway, so after Kevin and Jannessa (Please ignore the fact that the main character's name is mine, and his frined's name is also my friend's name. Please ignore that fact. I only come up with good fantasy names such as Salli Ferngrow, Darien Dillis, Derrick Grianheart, Tidas Bludwall, Zeleth Highwater...) got back to the pirate camp the camp was raided and took Jannessa as, well, they thought she was their "goddess" more on that in the book. Kevin, and Bruce go to the city on the island where Jannessa was taken. Bruce went for the deaths of some of his crew, Kevin for his friend, and also the people that died. After some events in the city, the city was attacked, the blame was put on Kevin, and now he is forced to fight for his life in the arena, like Gladiator. But he is handcuffed while every other competitor is either handcuffed or not. After like five minutes all but one ofther is left. Kevin, and Farkes.
Sorry, I almost got sidetracked a few times doing that. Sorry. Anyway, now that you are caught up. Let's go to the chapter. Duel with Fear

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   Farkes jumped forward with the sword in his left hand pointed at me. I jumped back and got out of the way of his attack. His sword went into the wall. he looked over at me and pulled the sword out of the wall. “Your better than everyone else.” He growled. I saw his eyes now. They were pink, and they made me fear him. He threw his right arm over his shoulder and went into a spin.
His swords kept clanging against the wall.
   I kept moving away from the baldes of his swords. He stopped spinning and stumbled forward a little. He shook his head and stopped stumbling. Farkes looked at me with a studying look. He grinned, “So, you killed people?” He asked.
   “No, I’d rather not kill anyone.” I said quickly.
   Farkes shook his head and growled. “Everyone will kill someone. Like me, I’ve slaughtered an entire village worth of people. You know why I kill?” He asked. I shook my head, fear rose in my stomach as he spoke. “I kill, because it's fun.” He was a killer, and I could tell by the look in his pink eyes that he loved to kill. “And your next.” He growled as he threw himself forward. I quickly dodged the attack by jumping away from the wall. The metal bindings clanged together as I got out of the way. Farkes looked behind him at me and growled. His eyes narrowed in anger.
   I ducked as he threw the sword in his right hand at me. I heard the air swirl as the sword went past me. I looked behind me and saw it go into the wall. I looked back at where Farkes was, but he wasn’t there anymore. He was close to my left. He threw his sword towards me. I hardly got out of the way of it. It scratched my right thigh, and a small stream of blood started to come out of the wound. Farkes growled as this attack was not as what he thought would be. “You are better than most.” He growled.
   “I think you already said that.” I said in response. I held the wound with my left hand. Farkes looked up, it looked like he was thinking.
   "So I did.” He said as he looked down and stuck his right hand into the sand. He pulled out a broken short sword. The end of the blade wasn’t there, instead the end of the blade must’ve been broken off. Multiple cracks in the metal went from one side of the blade to the other.
   He then thrusted himself at me. His right hand was in front. I jumped back quickly. Farkes’ movements were swift. He was much faster than before. For a second I thought I saw the pink markings glow. He stopped at where I was, then he looked over at me. His eyes were focused, and the pink in them glowed slightly. The arena was filled with fear. Fear, that was coming out of Farkes. Not fear that he was going to die, but fear that he made me feel.
   He jumped forwards towards me. He was in front of me instantly, I could now see into his eyes. The pink was indeed glowing, and he made it so that he was going to kill me. He thrusted the sword towards me. I only just got out of the way of the attack. The pink markings on his body were glowing. He was the Pure Guardian of pink Pure Energy! I could feel it radiat off of him from the pick markings. An energy made of fear.
   I jumped to the right, dodging his attack. His right hand was surging with Pure Energy. “Your a Pure Being!” I said as I dodged his next attack.
   "You noticed, you fascinate me.” Farkes growled. “What makes you so special?” He asked as he halted his attack.
   I tried to pull my right hand out of the bindings, “I’m a Pure Being too. We don’t have to kill each other.” I said. I wasn’t able to pull my hand out of the bindings. I kept trying to pull my hand out, with nothing but failure. If I wasn’t going to be able to get myself out of the metal bindings I would be sure to die.
   "Okay, and who would you be?” Farkes asked as he lowered his weapon. Inside I was cheering, but outside I was filled with fear.
   "Blue.” I said slowly. I hoped that it was good with him. That Blue and Pink were allys and not enemies.
   Farkes grinned and raised his weapon. He lowered his head and laughed a psychotic laugh. It sent fear through me. I knew then that I should not have told him who I was. Farkes raised his head and had his left hand covering the left side of his face. His laughing grew cold. He stopped laughing and looked at me with psychotic eyes. “You should not have told me that, Blue.” He growled.
   My heart dropped as his is right foot went into the sand, then a cloud of sand exploded from where he was. I turned around and saw him there. I felt something hit my stomach, and I was sent flying back into the sand. My head hit the floor and I was sent into a roll. I hit something in the sand and stopped rolling. I pushed myself up out of the sand. I looked up at where Farkes was. He was not longer there. I looked behind me to see him there. He kicked me up and punched me with his left hand. I was sent flying into the sand again.
   A cloud of sand appeared were I was. I didn’t know which way was which. I could only hear the cheering of the crowd as a cloud of sand surrounded me and Farkes' attacks hit. I pushed myself up and summoned my Pure Energy to my hands. It didn’t appear. I couldn’t access my Pure Energy again, but why? I could use it earier, but why not now? I need it now! I thought in anger.
   “Like being useless?” I heard Farkes growl to my left. I turned to look, but I didn’t see him.
Something hit my right side, and I was forced to the ground. “Like not being able to use your Pure Energy?” Farkes growled to my right. I turned to look, but I didn’t see him. Something kicked my left side. I was sent back into the sand again. I was in an immense amount of pain, at least two of my ribs were broken, that I knew for sure. “Like not being able to use your power?” Farkes growled. I was picked up from the sand and I could see Farkes’ face. It was surging with anger. He threw me up a little and kicked me using his Pure Energy, sending me back into a wall of the stadium. He tore the edges of the sword off and threw it at my arms. Before I could do anything the sword went through the links of the bindings, and into the wall. I couldn’t move my arms, they were stuck above my head. I looked up and saw Jannessa’s horrified face. She didn’t want to watch, but she had to to make sure I was going to be okay. I knew I was going to die, but I had to try and fight. Just for her. Just for a little chance for survival.
   I looked at where Farkes was. He was walking slowly towards me out of the sand cloud that filled the center of the arena. The entire stadium was cheering, except for Jannessa. Her expression told me that she was too scared to even say anything. Toda had a grin, he was going to watch me die, slowly at best, and I would die in front of Jannessa, and she couldn’t do anything to stop it.
   Farkes bent down and searched for something in the sand. He pulled out a a quiver that had a short bow and three arrows in it. He set it in the sand standing up. “You know, they only ever hide one of these for every big fight they hold here, but they don’t have any more than three
wooden arrows, but this time,” Farkes pulled out an iron tipped arrow, “they gave me something better to kill with.” He said.
   Farkes notched the arrow on the string of the bow. He pulled back and aimed low. “Do you want to know the best about this?” Farkes growled as he let go of the arrow. It flew right into my right knee. I screamed in pain as the arrow went through the bone. Farkes laughed as I screamed. “One of the better things about using this is,” Farkes said as he notched the third arrow and let it go. It went into my left forearm. I screamed again, but stopped almost instantly and bit my lip. I could taste a little bit of blood. Farkes notched the third arrow on the bow, “they don’t care where you shoot it.” Farkes said as he pointed it at my head, “Say goodbye to your love.” He growled as he turned around and let the arrow lose towards Jannessa. A sense of dread and fear filled me as the arrow went loose. I have to do something! Please! Give me my power! I thought quickly.
   Almost instantly I could feel a strong surge of Pure Energy inside me. Everything turned blue, and I didn’t feel any pain. Time seemed to have slowed down, and I could move faster. I pushed myself out of the bindings and off the wall. The arrows that were in my leg and arm went through me completely, leaving holes wehre they once were. I jumped forward. The air felt like I was ripping through it, like I was tearing through paper. A ran forwards and thought about how I was going to stop the arrow. I saw a sword in the sand in front of me, and knew that was how.
   I looked over at Farkes, he had a shocked expression on his face. It was as if he didn’t think that I was capable of this. I quickly looked forward and dropped down to my legs, sliding past the sword. As I was going past it I stuck my hand in the sand and pulled out the broken short sword by the hilt. I jumped back up too my legs. I jumped forwards. spun around, and threw the sword upward into the arrow’s way. I turned to my back as everything went back to their normal color and time went back to it’s normal speed.
   I slide on the sand as I lost feeling in my legs and arms. I saw the arrow hit the broken short sword's blade and break into two halves. The two halves of the arrow came down to the sand nearby me, as the sword went into the ceiling. I looked at where Jannessa was, she was peering over the edge at me. The ghost of a smile was hidden in her expression, but she was really scared. I looked down at Farkes, he was angry. He shouted in anger and started to run towards me. He grabbed a sword from the sand and ran at me.
   I quickly reached out with my Pure Energy to grab the sword that I threw at the arrow. As Farkes pounced on top of me I saw the sword start to fall, but it wasn’t my Pure Energy, it was Purple’s Pure Energy. The hilt of the blade was surronded by a purple aura and was pulled out of the stone ceiling.
   I reached forward with my left hand as Farkes threw his sword down at me. It went into my left arm through my palm, out the back of my hand and into my arm. I held in my scream of pain as I reached for the sword that was falling with my right hand. I grabbed it and thrusted it into Farkes’ throat. Farkes survived the attack but he let go of the sword that was in my left arm. I kicked him off of me and pulled the sword out of his throat. I jumped up and forward, and pushed the sword through his heart.
   I watched as the life quickly left his eyes. "" Farkes gasped as the pink in his eyes died and turned a dark grey. I had killed him.
   I threw his dead body to the ground, “I guess you were right.” I said to Farkes’ dead body. “I killed someone, but I didn’t do it because it was fun.” I said. I hated it, deep inside I had a massive ball of guilt. “I killed you, because you were going to kill someone I loved.” I said as I looked up into the crowd. They were cheering. They had gotten the blood they craved. I looked up at Jannessa. She had a faint smile on her face, but her eyes were worried. Toda was angered. He wanted me to die, but I didn’t, I had survived. I pointed the sword up to Toda as a warning. Ever do something like that again, it will be your soul that I claim next. I thought in anger.
   I then fell to the sand, unconscious. Everything went black, and the last thing I heard was Purple. “Rest now, my love.” She said as I fell to the sand. The last thing I saw was Jannessa, smiling faintly at me, and her purple eyes felt like they glowed.

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So? How was it? I know it was short, but most chapters are short. Now, I did not rewrite this chapter. I mostly copied and pasted it here, with a lot of changes. Yes, the writing is lackluster. I did make that chapter earlier this year. If I were to have wrote it now it would be much better. Please tell me if you liked it or not. If you didn't like it then please tell me why. If it's because the main character's name is mine I'm going to clearify that name. I made a draft where I replaced Kevin with Kenny, and another with Ian. Neither one of those drafts felt like it was my writing. Changing a character's name is impossible for me at this point. Changing the character by a small bit throws the story and it's meaning off. If you liked it then great! You like my writing, hopfully. Anyway, please tell me if you liked it or not, and if you found anything that shouldn't or should be there that isn't there. Alright, that's all the time I have right now. I'll see you later. Bye!

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