September 24th 2018 11:43 pm IDEA!

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Be quiet Riku, thank you for 3222222222 not spoil the sr=tory.
NOO! I WAS ONE HIT AWAY! ONE HIT AWAY! I WAS ONE HIT AWAY! I fell into the fire when I was one hit away from killing the boss. ONE hit away! Dangit!
Okay, Goofy, Beast, take care of it please. I'll come into the fight later. My stomach is twisting. Oh please let us win. Play smart, Kevin, play smart. Third try, let's do it this time. I don't like staying in the back for fights, excpeacially boss fights, but I will do it for this one. Okay, please let us win.
Sorry, on to what I was talking about. So the idea for the book I had involves the world of Pure Energy. it would be like a book filled with stories. Like one chapter you follow someone, and the next you follow someone else in a completely seperate time and area. My heart is racing.
an hour later
I am sorry. Just Kingdom Hearts go really intense and I was the only one who had to fight the next boss, which was right aftr the Dragon boss fight, and then I was a heartless, and Sora did a thing that made me cry. Kairi hugged a Heartless, Beast was all like "Get out of here!", and then we went to Travers Town, oh, and Riku did a thing, and everything got intense and story driven. I was not ready for those tears.
Anyway, back to what I was saying. So this book will be compiled of stories that I make up. There might be some bi ones, there will be small ones, and some decent sized ones, but in all there will most likely not be a story that will intertwine most of the stories (Note: I said most, not all). mostly it willl give you a thing that some Pure Beings did, like if they saved a lot of people, if they killed another Pure Being, and more things. Maybe I could make a story that is about Divine Energy. I don't know, I'm making ideas up as I go. Maybe I could make a whole new type of Pure Energy. Like Energized Energy. Again, I'm throwing ideas around, hoping I can catch something.
Anyway I plan on making a few stories and publishing them so you can read them either near the end of this week or the end of next week, and after that I will make a story in it when I find myself bored and having ideas flying around my head. Alright, great. Well, time to go. I have things to write, a book to edit, and a timeline to correct. Bye!

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