august 26th 2018 9:48 pm

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you are going ot have to wait for the Cult of Hatoath book. maybe monday or wednesday.
i cried again today. just thought you should know, i also spent 3 hours alone, with no one to talk to. i stayed home while everyone went to Texas Coral.the only reason i satayed home was becauase i felt sick and i thought i was going to throw up. we have a fan in our room, but it doesn't reach me. it only hits bruce before hitting something else. not to mention the light was on this morning because there was no light in the room. so that added heat to the room. and i'm up close to the ceiling, where all the heat is. becasue heat moves upwards. so where i sleep is a type of oven, and yet it is the only place i can really be. i want to move. i'm tired of this trailer where i've been up close to the ceiling. my legs are hurting for having to drop a foot down to the floor when i'm getting out of bed. i'm tired of getting sick most days because of heat, even in the fall and spring. with winter everything is cold because bruce keeps the window open, blowing in the ice cold air. i'm tired of being in the same room as my brothers. bruce doesn't allow cats in here, so they don't come in here, and james plays on the PS4 until 2 in the morning. the one time when i had my own room it was the best 8 months i've ever had, then my bed broke forcing me to sleep in mah's room. no one is using the light, and it is giving me a headache, i'm moving to the living room, give me a bit. that's better. cleaner air, cool air, and the only light is my tablet. and my headache is going away.
i want to move, but that will never happen. we can't move. and even if we were to move we'd stay in portage. so even if we moved i would not go to another school, i would remain here. home all day and no hope of making a single friend.
i made myself sad. i'm really sorry. goodbye, for at least 10 hours.

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