August 8th 2018 11:25 pm

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Okay so this update is overdue, by approximatly 30 hours. Okay, so I don't feel like I'm inturding on Megan friends anymore, see yesterday was Dungeons and Dragons. And they didn't seem to bother that I was there. Which was great. So now I have a thing to do on Saturday afternoons. See, since school . . . since it's starting again soon D&D can't happen on Tuesday's anymore, so it would have to happen on the weekend where there is no....
Sorry, I'm trying not to think of school, just, it doesn't bring any good thoughts to me head. They aren't bad thoughts either, just...sad ones.
NO! Get that picture out of my HEAD! ow...why did I punch myself? ah, headache, ah, terrible headache. ow ow ow. ah why did i do that? sorry, i'm going to have to cut this update short. ow ow. i have a surprisingly strong punch. ow.

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