October 15th 2017 9:47 pm

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Bruce's, my brother, wallpapers on his laptop thing are really perverted. I mean it! Like his wallpaper right now is an anime girl almost naked! Now I'm not going​ to go into detail about the wallpaper, for the sake to keep this book mostly PG-13. Why I say mostly? Go to the update two updates ago. That's why. Now basically just image a grown woman with green hair reaching halfway to her back. Her entire stomach is visable, she's not wearing a bra, but her naahaaahhhaaaaaahhhhhhhhpples. Her neeeeeeeeeeee (Before I break my mind trying to say a word I can't say without almost killing my brain, let's get something straight. I love my mind, I don't want to kill it. So you wont see any form of, well, this) ahhhhhhhhhhhh (so yeah. Don't expect that. Now, back to screaming.) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Phew, I think I got that out of my system. So the only things that were covered was her privates, but not her chest, no, not her chest, except for her (For now on, for future reference. Everytime you see parentheses​, these ( ),  I'm talking over myself. Like a voiceover. The background sound is currently being​ blocked out by this voiceover. Here, lets go back to what I am say.) ahhhhhhhhh (My mind is currently breaking by saying a part on the human body. The part on everyone's chest. Not just a female's chest. Also a male's chest. But yeah, back to your regular program, I guess.) I'm getting a light head. Ehhh. (Not kidding.)

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