November 14th 2018 4:53 pm Running From The Dark

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I finally got sleep. A lot of sleep, but it was rulled by nightmares. I woke up around three or less hours ago. I woke up and played Zombies with James. We played once and that took a long time to die. Anyway. The nightmares I had caused me to wake up twice, and for those I only got like 1 or 2 hours of sleep. I don't remember those nightmares. But the third time I was asleep I was asleep for almost 16 hours. And that was a long nightmare that wouldn't allow me to wake up from. I don't remember much of it, but I do know that it scared me. Every bit of it. The part I do remember was me running. I ran as fast as I could. I don't know how long I ran, or what exactly I was running from. All I know was that I had my hands on my ears blocking out the sound, blood puring down my face, and the thought of death. I was surrounded by darkness. I didn't know what was in the darkness, I still don't know what was there. I don't know where "there" is. Its somewhere in my head, but where? I do remember seeing shapes in the dark. Something was following me, I think it was why I had blood covering my face and the thought of death in my head. I hate those nightmares. The kind that make you think your feeling pain. I have those a lot sometimes. I want to know what attacked me, I want to know what I saw. I want to sleep again, but I don't know if I'm going to have a nightmare again. I think I'm going to skip this week. I haven't done anything usefull this week, so I'm going to skip this week. I know I didn't make a video. I'll try to next week, I promise.

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