June 28th 2018 10:06 pm

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I have more proof that my brother bruce, who has lost the capital letter in his name, is nothing but a jerk.
So not to long ago, like ten to fifteen minutes ago, Mom got on the computer so she can play her game, SimCity. Not long after bruce come in the room and says that he was going on the computer. So he pretty much kicked Mom off the computer just so he can play his game. He didn't help Mom make the couch or fold some cloths. He didn't wash the dishes or feed and water the cats at all in the past week. He doesn't deserve any time on the computer. I'm not saying I do. I don't even go on the computer. But I'm saying that Mom deserves to have HER time on the computer and not have it taken away from her by her own son. Who is using his "Adult" powers to get whatever he wants. He is no adult until he stops being lazy and starts doing things himself. He constantly "asks" others to do the dishes for him. Saying he'l tell Mom that we did it on our own, when he really says that it was all him. bruce is no adult, and he'll never be. He is a freeloader, and lazy ball of meat, and is selfish and only cares for himself. He has no plans of getting a job anytime soon. He pretty much spends 20$ a week on League of Legends. He spends more than we can even afford. Mom can hardly afford groceries at the store when she goes to the store. bruce has not earned his place on the computer, and I bet that he will pitch a fit when we go to help someone move tomorrow. He'll say something like, "But I have to get my daily missions done in League of Legends! I can't go anywhere until I get them all done!" or something like that. If I were Mom I'd delete the League of Legends off the computer, and not allow it on the computer until bruce starts doing more around the house, or gets a job to where he can waste his entire paycheck on his game. But, I'm not Mom, so I can't do anything. Mom should have been able to play her game on the computer, but she can't since bruce is on the computer. And he'll be there for a few more hours. Sadly.

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