October 4th 2018 11:55 am I WAS THERE! STEP 6! I WAS SO CLOSE!

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I'm sad now. If I could have only gotten one more Quick Revive, but I had run out of them. I was trying to do the Origins easter egg by myself. I was close! I got to step 6 out of 8! I was so close. Though I wish the Iron Fists was a one shot until round 23. I'm so stupid. I was so eager to finsih the easter egg that I went down to the bottom of the mound at the beggining of a new round. I cornered myself and died. Ugh. I was playing for 122 minutes and 30 secons. I was there. I was so close. You have no idea how much I hate myself right now for that stupid thing. Ugh! Why AM I SUCH A FOOL!
I'm going to take a break for a while. I'll try again later on today. Ugh. I just want to lay down and sleep this pain away. But at least I know wha not to do. Don't end the rounds without doing everything I can. And do the fire staff at round 8 and not 12. Do the Lighting Staff before round 8 or after it when Ihave the money. Damnit!
Sorry. I...I'm going to take a break.

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