November 12th 2018 11:22 pm First Video Is...

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I did not sleep, nor did I get the chance to record my video. But that chance is coming soon. Like an hour or so soon. I've decided that for my first video, and Let's Play will be Kingdom Hearts I. It's more peaceful than Doom, Titanfall, and Zombies, and more stressful than Minecraft, but that is what I've decided upon. I haven't played it in a while, nor do I really know anything about the game, other than what I've played of it. So Kingdom Hearts will be the first ever video I post, and the first ever Let's Play that I start, and maybe finish. Also, dooing Kingdom Hearts now, that means that I will do Kingdom Hearts 2 after. And then Kingdom Hearts 3 when it comes out. I'll have to thank James for pre-ordering the game later. When bruce gets off then I'll play, and record my video, then edit it, then post it around 5 pm tomorrow. Yeah, my posting time will be around 5 in the afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Around 5, so don't just expect it to be there right as it turns to 5:00, and then yell a me because the video wasn't on time. It's not scheduled for exactly 5 pm, but the time around 5 pm. Could be berfore, could be after.
That's something I could ask for. Okay, so everyone knows that Christmas is right around the corner. If you don't, well, you simply did not know. No shame, sometimes I wish I didn't too. Anyway, like normal Kevin fashion, I think up my Christmas list at least two months ahead of time. But normally I do it near the middle of the year, such as near my birthday. This year all I have on my Christmas list is, a set of RPG dice, a Player's Handbook, and/or the Dungeon Master's Guide. I don't need the Monster Manual, for I have access to all the monsters in the game. So I don't need it. That's three thing. The thing I just thought up was a GoPro or two, preferably two. All so I can record myself and others playing DnD, then post it on my channel. Honestly, I would probablyjust drop the books and dice for two GoPros, but options are nice. I'm going to look up prices for GoPros. See ya ina bit.
Okay, I was more meaning the old GoPros, but not the new ones. I even looked on Ebay and people only sold the new ones for above a hundred dollars. So I think I'm just going to go for a normal video camera rather than a GoPros. Geez, and the cheapest one in the picture had a crack on the camera.
Anyway, I'll see you later, I have a video to make.

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