October 7th 2018 5:53 pm AARGH! AGAIN! SIXTH STEP! ARRGH! WHY ORIGINS?! WHY!?

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I was there again. 6 out of 8. Weild a Fist of Iron. I was there! Then I died because I didn't have Quick Revive and Sword Flay (melee attacks deal x5 damage for 2.5 minutes). I tried to get Revive from the Wonder Fizz but after like 20 times it only gave me Deadshot (useless), Widow's Wine (usefull, but I don't want to give up one of my four perk slots for it), and Electric Cherry (didn't know it was on this map, usefull, but don't want it). I needed Quick Revive! QUICK REVIVE! NOT DEADSHOT! THAT PERK IS USELESS ON ORIGINS! ESPECAILLY WHERE I WAS!
Sorry. I'm just so mad. If Odin didn't come when I was almost done with one of his soul chests then I probably would have done the easter egg. And if I was a much better player. Player level does not mean that they are good at the game. It could just mean that they grinded more EXP on a single map to get to max level for all the Gobblegums and Weapon Kits. Damnit!
Anyway, so Ashley is doing this thing called Inktober. I believe it is where you draw something with ink every day for October. It's like "No shave November", where you don't shave at all during November. I hate my facial hair so I would never do that. Anyway, so she picked a DnD list. So for every day of October she would have to draw something DnD related, though she would have to draw what thing the list says for that day. So for Day 1 it was Initative, the beginning of a battle, where you roll a D20 and find out who goes first in battle and so on. For Day 2 it was Game Master, Day 3 was Intelligence, Day 4 was Battle, Day 5 was Weapon and so on. So for this she has been drawing our game. The game that I have been running, The Cult of Hatoath. For Intiative she drew the three PCs (Playable Characters) that they are playing as. For day 3 she drew Os (her character) reading a book, Day 4 she drew Dearalda (James) killing a Gnome in the way that he killed a Gnome near the beginning of the game, Day 5 she drew a staff and a bow. I don't know what Day 6 is and what she is drawing for it. And for Day 2, she drew me. The GrandMa (notice that the G and M are capitalized). Well, that is what they call me anyway. I have the picture. So, here you go.

 So, here you go

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I like it. It shows both mystery and danger with the hood covering my face and with my grin. It shows the laugher of the game in the nametag (it says, "Hello, my name is GrandMa). Really I love the picture.
Why am I so bad at Zombies?

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