Augest 5th 2017 3:08 pm 00 Buck

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i am calm now thank you. so yesterday when i was playing Bioshock 2 i had an idea for a character in a book. well multiple books. his name is Buck Oliver Osbourne. but people just call him 00 Buck (double O Buck). "But why was it during your time playing Bioshock 2?" says you random person reading this journal/dairy. well Bioshock is a game with guns. and it takes place underneath the Atlantic Ocean. In the city of Rapture. And one of the guns is a shotgun, and it's ammo is 00 Buck. And everytime I needed 00 Buck I said, "I need some 00 Buck!" and then I had an idea. What if a made a character that would be in many if not all of my book series. And it will be the same Buck not different people named 00 Buck. It will always be the same 00 Buck. "But how will he be there? He can't travel between different worlds! Can he?" Well yes random reader. 00 Buck is part of the Multiverse Alternation Defence Agency. Or M.A.D.A for short. The Multiverse Alternation Defense Agency protects every single universe from interdimensional creatures or forces that want to destroy or enslave a universe. And the only way this agency is possible is where the agency was made is because in the dimension that it was made, the laws of physics don't really exist.

*6 hours later*

damnit damnit damnit damnit!! the 6 hour break isn't important. it never will be. and that's not what i'm angry at. sorry for cursing. damn me to hell!

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