August 11th 2018 6:58 am Making The Circle Into A Line

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Ow. Sorry, I dropped pain onto my foot. Don't ask me what that is supposed to mean, I don't even know myself. And that is how you start a new Update when you do not know how!
Anyway, stupidity aside, I'm sure you have heard me talk about how there is a circle in these Updates. For a few I'm sunshine and unicorns, then comes a small, or long, period of time. That sad times ends on a note that I prefer not to talk about, such as Jannessa forgetting that I exist, or for another example, I'll probably kill myself before 20. So you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to end that, hopfully.
Hear me now, and hear it forever.
I give until the time I'm 30, if Jannessa doesn't talk to me at all for a year at that point in my life then she forgot about me. If I don't publish a book by the time I'm 20 (Yeah, I know that is a short time), and I mean actually publish it, like a physical copy hardcover and actual paper, then I will not publish a book ever. If I'm not dead by the time I'm 22 then I will not kill myself. If I don't make a YouTube channel by the time I'm 19 then I will not make videos for an actual job like thing.
Okay, everyone got that? Written down? Good, good. I know I have it written down. What I'm doing is basically forcing the bigger sad things, some more for myself than others, and giving them a time until they are useless. I'm not explaining why I chose those ages of mine, but I chose them. I'm tired of the same old circle. Ten or so Updates of happiness, blah blah blah, sadness, sadness, sadness, kill myself. Ten Updates or so of happy, blah blah blah, sadness, sadness, sadness, Jannessa forgetting me. Ten Updates or so of happy fun times, blah blah blah, sadness, sadness, sadness, kill myself. Ten Updatess of good, blah blah blah, sadness, sadness, sadness, Jannessa forgetting me. See what I mean? I'm sure I talked about this before. At least once before. I don't know. But do you get what I mean? I always end up going towards the sa-I LOVE THIS SONG!!!
You would not believe your eyes, If ten million fireflies, Lit up the world as I fell asleep

'Cause they fill the open air, And leave teardrops everywhere, You'd think me rude but I would just stand and stare

I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly, It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep, 'Cause everything is never as it seems

'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs, From ten thousand lightning bugs, As they tried to teach me how to dance

A foxtrot above my head, A sock hop beneath my bed, A disco ball is just hanging by a thread (thread, thread)

I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly, It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep, 'Cause everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

Leave my door open just a crack (Please take me away from here),
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac (Please take me away from here),
Why do I tire of counting sheep(Please take me away from here),
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep,

To ten million fireflies, I'm weird cause I hate goodbyes, I got misty eyes as they said farewell (said farewell)

But I'll know where several are, If my dreams get real bizarre, 'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar (jar, jar)

I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly, It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep, 'Cause everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly, It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep, 'Cause everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

See, I'm in a good mood, I sand along to Fireflies by Owl City. Now, what was I say? Oh yeah. I always end up going towards the same bad thing to say. And I am sick of it. So I gave times to the things that are plaguing me right now. I'd sing along to this song too, though I don't want to. It's Pain by Three Days Grace. Skip! Oow Frequency by Starset! NOT SKIP! It's weird. Just the other day I was crying, and just earlier I couldn't finish a single song without thinking about Jannessa. Well, all those song would make me cry if I kept listening to them. Jannessa is still in my head. I'm saying that now.
Hey! Fun fact! When we first moved to South Haven and went to school. Ashley and my elementry school had a telent show thing. You know, you do a thing, such as sing, dance, do that cup song that was famous at the time, do a comedy skit thing. Their was no winning, because it was a school thing. So me and Ashley entered it, and we did FireFlies. We didn't just sing. We danced as well. Though Ashley did sing louder than me. I was slightly embarrassed to be on that stage in front of everyone. I'll tell you now. That most famous thing when someone is scared to go on stage in front of a crowd, someone usaully says "Just imagine they're all in their underwear." I'm not going to hold this fact away from you, but I did that for a second, and it made it entierly worse. I'd show you the dance and everything, I'd even make a video, though I don't really have tha capabilty to do it right now. If you asked me I would try and find a video of it on the internet. Though I can't promise I'll find anything. If you asked me I would do my best to make a new video of the dance as soon as I can. I'd do it in front of people too. NO SHAME HERE! Well, there would be a little embarrasment. But no matter. It would be a fun experience, something useless to hold over my head. Ah, memories.
Anyway, this is a piano and other insturment song. From Final Fantasy. SKIP! I love Final Fantasy but-I LOVE THIS SONG TOO!! Though I'm not singing along. If I'm still making this Update when a Imagine Dragons song comes on then I'll sing along to it, or a Ashes Remain song, or the next Starset, Red, or certain other songs that are not of those bands. Accidentally skip into and advertisment. Two ads, let me guys, three ads! Waiting...waiting...waiting...waiting...waiting....Yeah a third ad. If there is a forth I'ma right something mean. isn't a song. It's the outro to one of the albums on the playlist. OOW! Legend of Zelda song. Hero of our Time by Natewantstobattle

A new world awaits for you, Through night and day, It's yours to save,
Treck mountains land and sea, From Kokiri to your destiny,
In you I know we'll find, the Hero of our Time, An evil king has come to reign,

All that you know, you'll be leaving it behind,
Look deep inside, soon enough you'll find,
The courage to win, now you best be on you way,
For you have a demon to slay!

More trails await for you, Its all at stake to test your strength,
Seven years you will sleep, Awake and defeat, The man with the evil eyes,
In you I know we'll find, the Hero of our Time, and evil kind has come to reign,

All that you know, you'll be leaving it behind,
Look deep inside, soon enough you'll find,
The courage to win, now you best be on your way,
For yo have a demon to slay!

Time and again, The timeling will mend, The balence returns in the end,
The sun will eventuall set,
All that you know, you'll be leaving it behind,
Look deep inside, soon enough you'll find,
The courage to win, now you best be on your way,
For you have a demon to slay!

I just now realized that I'm just typing this out. Well I'm singing along to the song, I promise you that. Wow, I have yet to yawn. Wiat, there we go. Yawn! Seriously, Second Chances by Imagine Dragons? Their was a time when I could only listen to this song. I would think of only Jannessa, not the words to the song, just Jannessa. I think it was sometime after I broke her promise the first time. Skip before I cry. Uhg, Counting Stars? Gross. Why is this song on my playlist. SKIP! Unbound [The Wild Ride] by Avenged Sevenfold. Not skip. I love this song a lot. I should make a new Music Update. Where I list all the songs, including repeats of songs, that are in my playlist. I know it is somewhere over thirty hours worth of songs to listen too. That would be a great use of an hour or two. It's not like I have a book to revise. I should probably be doing that other than writing this Update. I have a few weeks, everything will be fine. I can pull a few all-nighters. Heck, I stayed up all night last night, or this night? I stayed up to make sure James' (Almost wrote down Jannessa) Kingdom Hearts games downloaded onto the PS4. Oh, Halo from Starset, the Acoustic version. Me likey a this song. But yeah. I have to go through my first book to make sure it is perfect and goes well with the second book. I've also renamed it Battle of the Pures The Beginning. The second book is now Faint Destiny. "But, Kevin? Aren't there only three books to you B.O.T.P. seriers? If there are only three then why is the second one called Faint Destiny when that destiny would be reached in the third book?" I hear that faithful reader ask. Wait, no, it's not a reader. It's just me wanting to continue writing in this Update. Well at least I'm being honest. I can lie, but I don't lie when it comes ot either Pure Energy or Ashenfere. Both are books of mine. Anyway, the reason I renamed the first book to The Beginning and named the second book Faint Destiny is because there are more than three books. There are the War of the Pures, and a few others. Those are secret. I'm not really sure if the destiny will be fully revieled in the second book. But I think the readers will get a good idea of what it is. The normal Bad versus Good. You know how these things go. Bad guy make somethiing bad happen. Good guy stops Bad guy. Happy ending. Though I'm not a fan of happy endings. They are always too predictable. Which is one thing that I like about the Goosebumbs books. They never really ended, just casued questions when I read them and how they ended. You'll know what I mean come late this year or early next year. I should really go through my first book.
Nah. I think I'll play Destiny 2. I would play Kingdom Hearts. But James has forbidden it until he plays it first. Which will be around 3 pm today. I can't wait until I can play them. There are 6 games. One of which I've played before. Kingdom Hearts 368/2 days. It was the first video game to make me cry more than once, and remains one of the only games to make me cry. The Walking Dead Season One game made me cry. Um...what other games made me cry? I don't know. Anyway, Kingdom Hearts is that game where if you find yourself able to play it, you should play it. It has beutiful music, amazing characters. And if you are a fan of Disney or Final Fantasy this is the game for you. Because it mixes to the two francises. Anyway, I'ma play game now. BYE!!!!!

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