October 8th 2017 10:30 pm

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Okay, I broke through to Kevin just a little bit. But I was able to break through to him. But not enough. I still need help, but I got him to believe that there will be another chance to spend time with Jannessa. But he isn't going to stop crying anytime soon. I feel bad for him, I truly do. And I can always​ pick him up, well in the past anyway. Since eighth grade I haven't been able to pick him up off the floor. but all throughout the summer Jannessa was there to talk to him, sure Kevin did skip out on some things he wanted to talk about, probably for good, or bad. But she, you, were there for him when I couldn't pick him up. You're still there for him, even if you say you not there, you are. Well, most people can't always be there, but throughout the summer, through m point of view, you were always there. Yes I know, during the summer you don't have school, but I believe that if you were to at east at the end of the day ask him how his day was, you would help a whole lot. And I do believe after a short while of you asking how his day was, Kevin woul ask how your day was after you ask him. He still has a long way to go before he can say "Hi" to you in public, but this way he would make some progress. Now you don't have to, but I know Kevin would love to go back to talking to you everyday. Everyday he says that he regrets ever saying that you, Jannessa, didn't have to talk to him everyday. Every single day he says that. And usually I'm the only one that hears it. You don't have to start that promise up again, you don't have to, but if you want to try then go ahead, I can't stop you, Kevin will never stop you from doing anything you want to do. Well, if it was bad thing then yes, he would try to stop you, but for good things like talking to him everyday he would never think of stopping you. Why? Well I can't say due to my oath to Kevin, but if you remember that I said in a past update then you'll know why. You know what? I am going to make Kevin do something, I might get this done around 11:20ish, but I will try my best to do it. What he is going to say might be the only words he'll say for the next week or so, but at least he'll say something, even if it is only the internet. I'm going to make him ask Jannessa how her day was, no not day, weekend was. Plus it will be his first go with this new keyboard, oh yeah, I almost forgot. I got Kevin a bluetooth keyboard earlier when we went to Walmart. And a watch. Okay, that's all for now, bye!

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