June 23rd 2018 9:24 am Solutions And Info About Pure Energy

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Okay. So the last update was saying how I couldn't write using Docs, or listen to music using Spotify. No neither of those apps are working still. But I did find solutions. So the other day I found out that you can edit you Google Docs files on Microsoft Word, and your Word files on Docs. So my writing problem is fixed. My music problem is fixed as well. I now use Soundcloud. Sure I can't listen to my 40 hour playlist or anything, but I can make a new one with new songs. So I can now write and listen to music again. YAY!
I also found out why cough drops are called cough drops yesterday. The drop the amount of times you cough. I'm stupid.
Anyway. So when I was writing the first BOTP (Battle of the Pures) book, I didn't make a storyboard or plan out what was going to happen in it ahead of time. SO that book may not be as good as other one's. The second book, I still haven't done that. But I am making the storyboard for the second book now. I'm still only like ten chapters in, not including the Prolouge, but at least I'm not waiting until the last chapters to do it. For the third book I'm going to plan out the story ahead of time, and for all the other books I will make. I'm develpoing my skills as a writer. That I'm happy about.
Another thing. I've been thinking of changing a few names. Two, or one name to be persice. Why? Becuase it's embarrassing. Sure. Embarassment is a part of life. But the main character is named Kevin. I a named Kevin as well. And for all I know, I, no, we are all living in a book and the writer's name is Kevin also. That was sarcasm. Anyway, back to my book. So the main character's name is Kevin, and so am I named Kevin. I can't change my name, nor do I want to change my name. But the other person's name that I am thinking of changing is Jannessa. At first I didn't want to change the name, for the book was still in its beginning phases. But now, now tht I know wht will happen next in the upcoming books. I want to change her name. I don't know to what, or if I am even going to change her name. If you are thinking that in the book that Jannessa is the love interest you are aboslutly right. It's not really a spoiler. It happen's in the first book. You learn about almost in the beginning of the first book. Heck, it's practically in the description of th-

Go check out the demo of Battle of the Pures now, if you haven't. It will get you started in the world of Pure Energy!
*Advertisment end*

-self! Wait...was I just interupted by an advertisment? Sorry, I just wanted to put that in there. As I was saying. It is practically in the description of the book itself! Sure you'll have to like read in between the lines or something like that. But if you notice it, then you will see that the love interest is mentioned in the description of the book.
Anyway, I don't know if I will change name, I highly doubt it, but if I do, I'll tell you. Hey, and while I'm here, I might as well tell you what I plan the actuall book covers might look like. So right now they are just pictures I found on the web when I searched up Pure Energy. But I do plan on making actual covers. Original covers. Well not me, I'll see if my sister want's to do it. Since the whole mess in October everyone's been nice to me, excpet for dad. He doesn't care. But he is a **** and he'll always be one. Anyway. I plan the covers to be black, or white background with one pair of eyes, the color depends on who is important in the book. Book 1 being blue, for Kevin. I think book 2 will either be purple or red. Wait, if it's purple than wht will I have be the color for the book 1 of War of the Pures. So book 2 of BOTP will most likly be red. And I think book 3 will be light (white, since light isn't actually a color). The first three books will be on a black background. And underneath the eyes there might be a person of the same color. So for book 1, blue eyes blue person, book 2 red eyes red person, and book 3, light eyes light person.
I also noticed a small detail in the books. They are racist in a way. And I am not a racist person. I noticed that I have yet to make a person of color in any of the entire BOTP series. I think the reason is because we don't have any brown skinned lego people, because once again, these books are based on the lego games I played with my brothers and sister. Though I was more enthusiastic about them then them. But that doesn't matter. But in the WOTP series (War of the Pures) there are some people of color. And if not, I really do apologize with my entire heart to all those people of color. I really do.
The first threee books focus on the Counsil, as they are called. Blue, Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green. See, all six of them were capitalized, that is because their colors are their original names. But now that the Pure Beings are inside humans now, their original names are just names to identify other Pure Beings as. So lets say, Lime Green goes down a street and see someone that looks like another Pure Being, that also a thing. Whoever a Pure Being is inside that person will look exctly like them. You've just gained bonus information that isn't even in the books yet but is implied. Anyway, so if Lime Green goes down a street and see someone that looks like, let's say Cyan. Lime Green can go up to that person and say, "Cyan?" Or something that only Cyan would know. And if Cyan answers correctly, like "Yes?" or "What do you want, Lime Green?" Then those two just found another Pure Being.
Yes. Finding another Pure Being is hard. One, there are billions of humans and i'm sure there isn't a billion different colors, and if there is, then *sigh*. Two, a human may look like a Pure Being, but they might not sound like them, or be the same gender that they were. That's right. A human must look like the Pure Being, sound like them, and be the same gender as the Pure Being. If these three criterias is not met, then you did not find a Pure Being. There is another way to locate and find a Pure Being. With each different Pure Being, there is a crystal of the same exact color. This crystal can lead you to the Pure Being of that color, but it cn only do it if you put enough of your own Pure Erergy into the crystal. For a Pure Crystal can not activate without a constant stream of Pure Energy. You'd be surprised at the amount of times I misspell Pure Energy. And I write Pure Energy. a lot. Well, not really. But you'd think I would know how to spell it, I do, but not at the same time. Anyway. A Pure Energy Crystal, or Pure Crystal for short, has multiple effect when it is used by the being of the same color.
One effect is that it will make a small feild around the crystal were only the Pure Being of that color can use his or her Pure Energy. So if Dark Blue were to put his Pure Energy into the Dark Blue Pure Energy Crystal he could make a small feild around him where only his Pure Energy can be used. This effect can easily be avoided. It may nullify any other Pure Energy, a Pure Being can go in and out of the feild. So if Purple were to attack Dark Blue, who is hiding behind the feild made by his Pure Energy Crystal. She can grab something to hit Dark Blue with or she can just punch him. The feild may keep a differnt color of Pure Energy from being inside it, it doesnt protect from any other form of attacks.
Another effect is that it will protect the user from any attack coming at him or her. So if Dark Blue were to use this effect it would protect him from all attacks. This effect can also be avoided. This sheild is weak. If Purple were to attack it in turns, so lets say she gives it at least a second from each attack the sheild will heal itself in a way. But if she were to keep attacking the sheild, giving it little to no time between attacks the sheild will have no time to heal or mend itself.
A third effect is another sort of feild. But this one increses the power of the users Pure Energy. So if Dark Blue were to use this effect in a fight against Purple and Blue, his attacks inside of the feild would be increased five times. So just put a x5 multiplier on all of the attacks inside the feild. This effect is hard to get around, but it is hard to maintain. This effect needs the most amount of Pure Energy than all the other effects. Making it hard to maintain for a duration of time. So just stay out of the feild until the user can no longer keep the feild up.
A fourth effect is a healing effect. It takes the least amout of Pure Energy to maintain, but it has a small feild. This effect can NOT be avoided. The only way the feild will drop is when the user stops puting their Pure Energy into the crystal. So if Purple were to use this effect when her allies are badly hurt. So if Purple and Blue were fighting multiple Pure Being and she would use this effect, all those on the outside of the feild can not enter, nor can those inside leave. The feild heals all of the Pure Beings inside of it gradually. It is a slow process. However, those outside of the feild can easily make a plan to attack those inside once the feild drops. Making it almost a waste of energy and time at times.
Their are many other effect's but those are the only four I have fully developed. There is a fifth effect that I have developed as well.
The fifth effect needs multiple crystals. For this one I will say the crystals of Blue, Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green. This effect can only be avtivated when all six crystals are within a few inches of each other. These six will open the gateway to the Dark Realm, where the Pure Being of Darkness is being held. This effect is hard to control. For it takes the most amount of Pure Energy to maintain. And it must be maintained for a good ten minutes before the user can stop putting their Pure Energy into the portal. More than one person can put their Pure Energy into this effect at one time. The larger amount of Pure Beings putting their Pure Energy into this the shorter amount of time it needs to activate. The only way to aviod this is to stop whoever is starting to open the portal. That is the only way to avoid this effect.
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Wow. I wasn't thinking i'd give you so much information about Pure Energy. Well, now you know, I guess. I've been writing this update for three hours now. Welp, 2019 words just can't be helped  I guess!

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